Weather (for want of a suitable category.)

The first tropical storm of the season has started in the southern hemisphere. Following the relinquished northern sphere of influence there was an hiatus of about 10 days without a tropical storm, longer if you don’t count the way that they petered out. There is no physics that explains the details of the phenomenon that affects the planet so completely twice each year. For my money it is all to do with the extent of the ice around Antarctica. The amount that occurs varies (with the seasons, obviously) but the amount that builds and melts in the seasons is controlled by a cycle of the moon that varies how far north and south the declination can go every month.

The declination of the moon varies a little each month covering as much as 10 degrees in as many years. You should know that the declination of the sun changes a little every day for six months during which time it runs from the southern reaches (The Tropic of Capricorn) to the northern most point (the Tropic of Cancer) and back again 6 months later. It crosses the equator twice in this time at spring and autumnal Equinoxes.

The sun moves exactly 23.5 degrees every 6 months but the moon moves in a much more complicated schedule, reaching about 5 degrees north of the tropics every 11 years. OTOH of course because of that 5 degree aberration the moon also fails to reach the tropics every 11 years. I believe this is called the nodes or nodal cycle.

I am pretty sure it isn’t the Saros, whatever.

4 November 2014



Welcome back me.

I am reinvesting in this website at last because I want to introduce it to someone from Usenet. He has a very interesting story and I hope he makes lots of frinends here. The problem he has is one of internet access and so I am placing my daily collection of charts on here for him to look at as quickly as he can handle it.

The problem I have is that I have forgotten how this place works so I will be asking for any advice going with gratitude when recieved. The first thing I need is to find out how to place the links to the charts I am placing here.

Long time no see

I only came here to check up on some long lost graphic and realise how lax I have been ignoring people on here. My apologies to all.


Hope to see you soon.


Now where did I put that damned picture?

WTF is going on here?

My girlfriend told me today that she has left these forums after backing them up every time I moaned about the crappy way the screen scrolls on here. She wouldn’t tell me what her complaint was but on trying to put a comment on my own post just now I think I saw why:

I ws going to put a screen-shot in here but there is no way on the formatting help for me to find the file on my computer. So that is another giant problem with this place.

The other problem is that when I came to open the previous post the text was mangled beyond use. The add comments box overlapping the original post.

I think this site died and went to hell some months ago by the smell of it. You will ll have experienced the same conditions as I am having by now and be leaving or have already left in droves.

My G/f won’t even tell me how to do it things are so bad here. I imagine the quality control is the same problem Opera had. No money. I am sorry about that and sad that monopolies like facebook and Google have it all. That is a rela shame.

So how do I insert a picture?

Place it in the albums section then cross post it?

Things can’t be so last century as that here can they?



More gripes from the English in me

I just signed up to Netflix:

And promptly ran into problems

Netflix Customer Services
You are now chatting with: Yanique

23 minutes agoYou

23 minutes ago NetflixYanique
Thanks for contacting Netflix. My name is Yanique, may I have your name please?

23 minutes ago You
N or M

22 minutes ago NetflixYanique
Hey Michael, Happy to help you out there with that issue.

21 minutes agoYou

21 minutes ago NetflixYanique
I’m unable to open that link that you sent me. could you pretty please tell me the message that you are seeing, and I could help you out from there.

18 minutes agoYou
I signed up ; looked up a film and got this page:

18 minutes agoYou

18 minutes agoYou
It contained this message

18 minutes agoYou
Complete System Requirements To watch instantly, you’ll need a computer that meets the following minimum requirements: Windows Windows Vista or Windows 7 Internet Explorer 8 or higher, or the latest version of Firefox, or the latest version of Chrome 1.2 GHz processor 512 MB RAM Mac An Intel-based Mac with OS 10.4.11 or later Safari 4 or higher, or the latest version of Firefox, or the latest version of Chrome 1 GB RAM Chrome OS A Google Chromebook or Chromebox running Chrome OS 29 or higher

18 minutes agoYou
I am using Mageia on 32 bit chips

17 minutes agoYou
Although it is an AMD 64 procesor.

17 minutes agoYou
My connection is via cable.

15 minutes ago NetflixYanique
Here’s the deal. I personally think the the Linux is an Awesome operating system and I find it to be the most secure in the world However, Linux does not support Netflix at the moment. the Awesome ids that my team is always looking to expand and become better and working with Linux is something that we are looking into.

13 minutes ago Netflix Yanique
I want to use your account details and send off to my engineering team so they can know that this is something you are interested in seeing. As Netflix is big on feedback and your words will go a long way.

12 minutes agoYou
Here’s the deal. I personally think i will never ever use Microsoftware again. Linux is an Awesome operating system and the most secure in the world However, netflix does not support Linux and I want out at the moment. the Awesome ids that my team is always looking to expand and become better and working with Linux is something that we are looking into.

11 minutes agoYou
I would never have bothered signing up had I known. Instead of looking into using decent servers why not inform prospective users of the problem.

11 minutes agoYou
So how do I cancel?

9 minutes ago NetflixYanique
I totally agree with you on this and this is something that my team will look into for the future as well. If it okay I can help you out with cancelling your account.

7 minutes agoYou

5 minutes ago NetflixYanique
I’m sorry to see a member of the family go but as your helper for the day I will get that cancelled for you. And I will also have you feedback submitted.

2 minutes ago NetflixYanique
Hey Michael, so I have cancelled the account. we will stop all billing and you swill receive a conformation to your e-mail.

12 seconds agoYou
Thank you so much. I will check up in a few moths tme to see if your company has embraced the present millenium.

10 seconds agoYou
You can bet I will be checking my monthly bank details too. I had prospective employers (Morrison’s Supermarkets) take advantage of my bank details (required on the application form so they can process my wages) to diddle me out of a few quid every week. This was supposed to be the sub their agency takes from the temporary staff for finding us for the evil overlords at the top of the rather nasty tree.
Why does the legal requirement to work zero hours allow these creatures of the gutter to rob the people least able to afford it?

The sound of many thunders

I saw the Lamb standing on Mount Zion, and with him were 144,000 who had his name and his Father’s name written on their foreheads. And I heard a sound from heaven like the roar of mighty ocean waves or the rolling of loud thunder. It was like the sound of many harpists playing together.

This great choir sang a wonderful new song in front of the throne of God and before the four living beings and the twenty-four elders. No one could learn this song except the 144,000 who had been redeemed from the earth. They have kept themselves as pure as virgins, following the Lamb wherever he goes. They have been purchased from among the people on the earth as a special offering to God and to the Lamb. They have told no lies; they are without blame.

And I saw another angel flying through the sky, carrying the eternal good news to proclaim to the people who belong to this world—to every nation, tribe, language, and people. “Fear God,” he shouted. “Give glory to him. For the time has come when he will sit as judge. Worship him who made the heavens, the earth, the sea, and all the springs of water.”

This is all written in metaphors. A parable about life in another universe. The lamb isn’t literally a lamb, nor are the 144,000 a set number. Only god and his son decide who have the placing.

The Analogies:

It is unlikely that the sound is literal but ocean waves at high tide do sound like many thunders on hitting the berm. It’s a good analogy because ocean surf on reaching the shore folds over and traps air in the wave. On the berm the piled sand thrown up by previous waves, the compressed air comes out of the water like a bomb going off. And it is in a “vocal chamber” when doing so.

An intriguing idea is that we might get some feedback in that feedback about the sound of harps in those days and perhaps why they might have been soothing instruments, perhaps making melodies like the Tibetan medicine bowls.

Or do I mean the antitheses?

They are called a choir. Is that because there was no such word as orchestra -or was it all song and just sounded like cellos or bass guitars?

Who or what are the four living beings?

And how are they distinguished from the 24 elders?

Is it just a description of the creatures or were they not creatures but representatives of another dimension?

Many translations use the term “creatures” and the term creature means a “created” animal other translations use the term animal or beast:

Aramaic Bible in Plain English
And they were singing as a new hymn of praise before the throne and before The Four Beasts

Now we are back to the 144,000 again. They are not literally virgins, even though some may have been, as are all angels in heaven virgins. And it actually says: “AS virgins” not “literally virgins”. The lamb has purchased us all, even perhaps the satanic sons of god too?

It is for god to say. But no man can measure the value of the sacrifice of this particular lamb, can he?

These 144,000 are not liars. But all men are liars. So they are not men or are not men at the time in the prophecy. If 24 elders represent a skyful of wisdom or a day of wisdom (24 hours of sunlight or right ascension etc..) then does 144,000 represent wisdom from 6000 such days?

If it is days of right ascension; 6000 years of human history?

People chosen from all time to rule over all nations, tribes and peoples?

Well, not to rule but to teach and intercede. Messengers… Angels?

But who do they proclaim the good news to?

“proclaim to the people who belong to this world—to every nation, tribe, language, and people. “Fear God,” he shouted.”

Not to the dead?

Will they come back to their time or a future time?

We are allowing all impossibilities here because all things are possible in this prophecy, even the unthinkable such as for example my own salvation. For Jesus told his followers ALL things are possible and to Keep asking and you WILL receive.


So now we come to my part in this:!topic/

What have I got to say for myself?

Worship him who made the heavens, the earth, the sea, and all the springs of water and do it now. Ask him for guidance on the matter and make it your life’s work to find out more.

At the very, very least you will be happier than you are now.

Go on!

What are you waiting for?

The Revelation was written for YOU!!



How America lost the war

Believe it or not, there is one of those badly narrated US propaganda commercials about superior air-power in Viet-Nam during the Vietnam/US war. Such cobblers is fish-food for the dolts who used to inhabit televisionland’s aquaria before the Internet came along and showed the rest of us how the world works.


It is the usual propaganda format with considerable US “side”; you know the sort of thing, with the narration written in SHOUTEE! FOR! EMPHASIS! in case the culprits watching forget whose side they are on. (Or were.)


It provoked me to respond and some  weeks later grew into this mould of passionfruit:











saburu sakai


Yesterday 20:32




U gotta be kidding.


The US airpower carried the day in 72 because they were FINALLY allowed to fight without the stupid rules that allowed migs to shoot first before they could respond.


I’ve known many pilots who flew in nam, and they kicked serious keyster in air combat, though the NVAF pilots were very good. Your fathers did fight us, and fight well they did, but they did not win.


It was the American left, in the guise of the Democratic party mainly, and the leftwing US news media that won that war for you, not your fathers, though I say that with respect as I respect all who fight for their country, and fight well they did.




The Democrats allowed the South to fall after we withdrew, but Nixon allowed the US airpower to fight in 72, and it was the North who came to the table and gave in… least until the Democrats in the US congress could allow their communist allies to win by cutting off all military aid to the South. You guys finally won, but lets not forget the real reasons why.




This program is totally correct, I remember it happening as I was in high school, and I’ve known many of the pilots who participated thru the years. May 10 was a hard fight, but it was a victory. That doesn’t detract from the determination, skill or courage of the NVAF who came up against long odds. That did take some guts.</quote>




In case you are unfamiliar with the god forsaken political situation that was the marque of that abysmal disgrace, you might care to look up confessions of an idiocracy.


<quote=wikipedia>when the My Lai Massacre reports started to break, Westmoreland resisted pressure from the incoming Nixon administration for a cover-up,[citation needed] and pressed for a full and impartial investigation by Lieutenant General William R. Peers. However, a few days after the tragedy, he had praised the same involved unit on the “outstanding job”</quote>




That’s where GW found the quote for his praise of in the incummberance that assisted the demise of the Untidy State of America’s third seaport:


“Yor doin a heckuva job Brownie.”




But studying the comment that moved me to post on here I can see how the average US redneck would willingly vote for another chimpanzee if the chance came up.


There isn’t a lot of hope for a planet ruled by corporate greed is there.







I subscribed to a post on about a teenager about to be deported for being 18. The anti-deportation plea failed and the organisers asked us to phone the airline the British Government were dealing with in order to dispose of the problem:

We’ve just heard that Yashika has been told she is being taken to Heathrow right now for an Air Mauritius flight at 9pm.

On Sunday Air Mauritius were due to take Yashika on a 5pm flight but after the thousands of phone calls and emails you made, Yashika remained in the country.

Please call Air Mauritius now on 0207 434 4375. and ask them not to take part in the deportation — they can refuse to fly Yashika. They have a chance to do the right thing. Air Mauritius telephone lines are open 24 hours a day.

Please help us, it is heartless to toy with a young person for weeks like this and to tear her away from her family before finishing her exams.

Call Air Mauritius now on 0207 434 4375.

Thank you,

Zoe Thompson along with Yashika’s friends and students of Oasis School.

P.S. You can also send a message to Air Mauritius on Twitter here.

I didn’t see the message until just now (midnight) so I was too late to phone. What are you supposed to say to someone who has no idea what any of this is about?

I barely know the details myself.

Ah well, I put the phone down and came here instead.

What happened was that the child was born in Mauritius and came here when her parents fled (for reasons I don’t know.) The parents are still here I gather though what exactly letting the girl stay for exams would accomplish I can’t say. Whether she was allowed to stay until the results of the exams were known so she could perhaps use them in a CV where her life will be in danger or not; the kid is now arriving in a strange land with alien customs and as far as I know no means of support.

A child making its way in the world for the first few years of adult life needs an incredible amount of support. And that is in a land where you are not hounded for religious or political purposes.

Apparently she was well educated and of above normal standards of intelligence. What the hell the Government thought it was doing sending her anywhere against her will is beyond my understanding.

Not my problem?

What more can I do anyway?

Just one of those things?

Who do I blame?

I don’t know what is going on in Mauritius. I am barely up to scratch with things in the Ukraine. But I think I have a grasp of what is going on in Venezuela. (The CIA has instigated the trouble it always wanted to rain down on Hugo Chavez.) And that is about the extent of my abilities to read between the lines of US and British led news agencies.

I’d never even heard of Mauritius.Who the hell are they and where do they fit on an atlas?

I haven’t the foggiest. And that is how everyone wants it.

But there is nothing they can whisper in secret, these days, that won’t be shouted from the mountain tops. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is my only consolation.

Red Ash by Roy Smith

This is about a landslide in North West USA that just happened. I know nothing about it not considering it of the same nature aas the things I generally study. But who can say?

I wrote the following in reply to a post on Sci.geo.earthquakes a Usent group dedicated to discussions of earthquakes world wide:

On Thursday, 27 March 2014 18:32:57 UTC, avag…  wrote:
> read that article and the side bar pops out….most comprehensive so far …..on par with England’s cost saving NO DREDGE plan.
> I had not seen an aerial photo showing previous slide and settle activity nor descriptions of this as inside the print. I assume reporting is somewhat tongue in check but safer from the east coast.
> Nor do I know who bought what land when and for ? $$$.
> Reporting on geology analysis….off course you have a geo analysis for your backyard…has not, again casually looking thru this, shown a after slide field analysis nor following that, communications to the people involved on how far the mtn could travel.
> With apologies to our friend in NZ for pursuing crit on steel reinforcing rod costs …. 
> I am familiar with the hills north sides and a short section of highway up the NE side. Hiking along creek bottoms n into secluded terrain, and up very conical hills either great deposits or fumaroles always walks you past unusual dirt/clay/pebble mixes not soil not stone: hard when dry, soft when damp, soluble if saturated over long time spans.
> One may climb straight up on a near vertical meadow….keeping in mind your patch may come lose heading down hill with you on it…..
>  Not Wales !


Following one of the longest winters I have ever heard of in Britain We had snow through till march in 1962/63 there was a coal tip slide that killed about hundred and twenty children in a South Wales village called Aberfan.

That was in 1964 I think.
Where I live now (Stoke on Trent) we had spoil tips just like it, removed in the late 70’s I believe, the spoil used as building infill called hard-core (levelling substrate on which the concrete raft is poured. A method used as foundations for houses in western Europe.)

A friend had written a book about his experience with it and asked me to help him work on the foreword. He wanted it cut to fit one page from the three or four he had. I had only just accomplished it (he hasn’t even seen it yet.)

I don’t think he would mind me showing it. It is free advertising after all.
I took liberties with the chemistry, as I hadn’t seen the Aberfan Report. But coal mines are notoriously dangerous places.

And here is what went on between me and this friend:

I went to a writing group with Roy Smith a local author after visiting at his home and talking about getting a book published online. He came up with his latest work and we had a competition to see who could write a short article. I typed them out on a computer as he doesn’t use one and brought them to that meeting to show him.

The meet was at a local library where there is a computer bank.




Red Ash


A story of the Potteries Pyramids



Where there was a coal mine a village would develop. In my own area of North Staffordshire, there were plenty; slag heaps would loom large on the skyline, alongside a tower with a large wheel that was on the top. They looked like large black monster pyramids. Some people would compare them to the ones in Egypt, they looked the same but people have forgotten about the lives that were lost by the slaves who had to build them.



Tourists should remember the cost of human life while building them instead of admiring the structures and treasures. So when I looked at the coal waste monsters on the horizon, I remembered all the miners that were crippled or killed erecting them.



My mind wanders back to the day of the Aberfan disaster, all those innocent children and also my friend that was killed. He was brought in to bulldoze the tip of the slag heap to flatten it, but it was not going to be easy.



To explain, we have to go back to the depths of the mine where the miners would fill the tubs with coal and then send it up to the surface. Men would sort through the coal into various grades, good, not so good, and the rest would be classed as waste, so the waste would go to the tip, and that is where we get the so called “Slag Heaps” from, and that is how those black pyramids were formed.



I remember as a child, when most of us were “not so well off” we would go round collecting the odd piece of coal that had, during the separation process, fallen from the wagons. The security officer would very often chase us, but we were too quick for him, and we would go back for more coal. There were sometimes accidents, I can recall one man who was after some coal getting killed when a large piece came rolling down and crushed his skull. It did not stop us from looking for pieces of coal, and we continued to take risks in an attempt to keep warm.



On the outside of this monster which we had called the slag heap, the weather had caused it to change colour which was what in various parts of the city you see them black, black ash as it was named, it was a useful commodity to the construction trade but inside, the waste became active due to the gases and the sulphur, and also the sheer pressure created combustion. These elements created heat that turned it into what we now call the dreadful Red Ash. It was the heat and the toxics that gave it the change of colour and underneath, its dreadful smell. When it moved it would expand, and the rain would create a landslide. Its strength was enormous; it could lift houses and roads even thick concrete floors.



It broke the hearts of many a couple who had a mortgage, as their homes became uninhabitable, and they had not got any money to have them re-built or repaired, as the cost was beyond most people’s reach, and no one would consider buying a house with red ash in it because of that reason. The mortgage companies also wanted a certificate to prove that there was no red ash present in the property, or it had been removed by a reputable builder.



The councils, who had initially passed red ash as a suitable hardcore, had never tested it suitable for the purpose of using it in domestic properties. We have moved on since then, and there are now many safety rules put into place when buying properties to protect everyone involved, and we hope, save any heartache.



Standing there, in front of this “Black Monster” I was so proud that I had been chosen as the engineer to demolish it. I likened myself to John Wayne, the hero of a thousand westerns, always given the job of bringing the baddie to justice.



The baddie was the black mountain I was looking at, and I thought, “you will never harm anyone again you horrible black monster”.



How wrong I was, even ten years later it raised its head again so “John Wayne” was sent for once again.



Roy Smith.



711 words 3791 characters.









Red Ash


A story of the Potteries Pyramids




There are few pictures of them now but spoil tips loomed large on the skyline of every mining village in North Staffordshire, alongside a tower with a large wheel. Black monster pyramids. They looked the same as the ones in Egypt but who remembers the lives lost building them?



I did!


I’d read the report of the Aberfan disaster, the innocent children and, soon, my friend killed by them.



Coal was graded as: good, not so good, and waste.


The waste was just tipped at the mine; the “Slag Heaps” I remember as a child. We were poor and would collect the spilled coal. I can recall a man killed when a large stone rolled down and crushed his skull. It didn’t stop us from taking risks.



The waste was later used as hard-core in construction but hadn’t been tested as suitable for use in domestic properties. Chemicals in it could react like slow gunpowder, turning it to Red Ash. Its strength was enormous; it could lift thick concrete floors, even houses and roads. It broke the hearts of many as their homes became uninhabitable. Who would buy an house with red ash?



I had been chosen as the engineer to demolish one; the hero of a thousand westerns, bringing down the baddie: “You won’t harm anyone again you horrible black monster”.


How wrong I was as ten years later it raised its head again…



235 words 1289 characters.



I can’t think of everything.


2Qtr May 17 19:54 NM May 25 12:26     1960 22 May Valdivia, Chile 1960 Valdivia earthquake 9.5
1Qtr Mar 20 20:39 Fm Mar 28 02:48     1964 27 March Prince William Sound, Alaska, USA 1964 Alaska earthquake 9.2
Dec 18 16:40 Dec 26 15:06     2004 26 December Indian Ocean, Sumatra, Indonesia 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake 9.1–9.3
FM Nov 1 23:10 2Qtr Nov 9 15:43     1952 4 November Kamchatka, Russia (then USSR) 1952 Kamchatka earthquakes 9.0[3]
ar 4 20:46 Mar 12 23:45     2011 11 March Pacific Ocean, Tōhoku region, Japan 2011 Tōhoku earthquake 9.0[4][5][6]
      1611 2 December Pacific ocean, Hokkaido, Japan 1611 Sanriku earthquake 8.9- (est.)
      1615 16 September Arica, Chile (then part of the Spanish Empire) 1615 Arica earthquake 8.8 (est.)
1Qtr Apr 1 23:46 FM Apr 8 16:43     1762 2 April Chittagong, Bangladesh (then Kingdom of Mrauk U) 1762 Arakan earthquake 8.8 (est.)
1st Qtr Nov 19 07:49 FM Nov 27 07:08     1833 25 November Sumatra, Indonesia (then part of the Dutch East Indies) 1833 Sumatra earthquake 8.8–9.2 (est.)
NM Jan 24 17:09 1QtrFeb 1 12:31     1906 31 January Ecuador – Colombia 1906 Ecuador-Colombia earthquake 8.8
Feb 22 00:42 Feb 28 16:38     2010 27 February Bio-Bio, Chile 2010 Chile earthquake 8.8
      1700 26 January Pacific Ocean, USA and Canada (then part of the British Empire) 1700 Cascadia earthquake 8.7–9.2 (est.)[7]
      1707 28 October Pacific Ocean, Shikoku region, Japan 1707 Hōei earthquake 8.7-9.3 (est.)
FM Jun 30 08:49 2Qtr Jul 7 03:01 NM Jul 15 04:54     1730 8 July Valparaiso, Chile (then part of the Spanish Empire) 1730 Valparaiso earthquake 8.7 (est.)[8]
2Qtr Oct 28 06:57 Nm Nov 4 03:09     1755 1 November Atlantic Ocean, Lisbon, Portugal 1755 Lisbon earthquake 8.7 (est.)[9]
NM Feb 1 16:36 1Qtr Feb 9 08:53     1965 4 February Rat Islands, Alaska, USA 1965 Rat Islands earthquake 8.7
      869 9 July Pacific Ocean, Tōhoku region, Japan 869 Sanriku earthquake 8.6-9.0 (est.)
      1746 28 October Lima, Peru (then part of the Spanish Empire) 1746 Lima-Callao earthquake 8.6-8.8 (est.)
      1787 28 March Oaxaca, Mexico (then part of the Spanish Empire) 1787 Mexico earthquake 8.6-8.7 (est.)
2Qtr Mar 25 22:37 NM Apr 2 04:37     1946 1 April Aleutian Islands, Alaska, USA 1946 Aleutian Islands earthquake 8.6
NM Aug 13 16:48 2Qtr Aug 20 15:35     1950 15 August Assam, India – Tibet, China 1950 Assam – Tibet earthquake 8.6
NM Mar 1 16:12 1Qtr Mar 9 11:50     1957 9 March Andreanof Islands, Alaska, USA 1957 Andreanof Islands earthquake 8.6
Mar 25 20:58 Apr 2 00:50     2005 28 March Sumatra, Indonesia 2005 Sumatra earthquake 8.6
Feb 22 00:42 Feb 28 16:38     2012 11 April Indian Ocean, Sumatra, Indonesia 2012 Aceh earthquake 8.6
      1575 16 December Valdivia, Chile (then part of the Spanish Empire) 1575 Valdivia earthquake 8.5 (est.)
      1604 24 November Arica, Chile (then part of the Spanish Empire) 1604 Arica earthquake 8.5 (est.)
      1647 13 May Santiago, Chile (then part of the Spanish Empire) 1647 Santiago earthquake 8.5 (est.)
      1751 24 May Concepción, Chile (then part of the Spanish Empire) 1751 Concepción earthquake 8.5 (est.)
NM Nov 13 18:21 1Qtr Nov 21 23:10     1822 19 November Valparaíso, Chile 1822 Valparaíso earthquake 8.5 (est.)
FM Feb 13 11:00 2Qtr Feb 20 04:52     1835 20 February Concepción, Chile 1835 Concepción earthquake 8.5 (est.)
NM Feb 9 20:05 1Qtr Feb 18 00:20     1861 16 February Sumatra, Indonesia 1861 Sumatra earthquake 8.5
2Qtr Aug 11 12:29 NM Aug 18 05:12     1868 13 August Arica, Chile (then Peru) 1868 Arica earthquake 8.5–9.0 (est.)[10]
2Qtr May 5 11:19 NM May 13 05:29     1877 9 May Iquique, Chile (then Peru) 1877 Iquique earthquake 8.5-9.0 (est.)
FM Nov 4 18:36 2Qtr Nov 12 07:52     1922 10 November Atacama Region, Chile 1922 Vallenar earthquake 8.5[11]
NM Jan 31 13:35 1Qtr Feb 8 00:33     1938 1 February Banda Sea, Indonesia (then part of the Dutch East Indies) 1938 Banda Sea earthquake 8.5
2Qtr Oct 9 19:27 NM Oct 17 12:43     1963 13 October Kuril Islands, Russia (USSR) 1963 Kuril Islands earthquake 8.5[12]
Sep 11 12:44 Sep 19 16:48     2007 12 September Sumatra, Indonesia 2007 Sumatra earthquakes 8.5
      1687 20 October Lima, Peru (then part of the Spanish Empire) 1687 Peru earthquake 8.4-8.7 (est.)
2Qtr May 13 16:21 NM May 20 23:43     1841 18 May Kamchatka, Russia 1841 Kamchatka earthquakes 8.4-8.6(est.)
      1737 17 October Kamchatka, Russia 1737 Kamchatka earthquakes 8.3-9.0(est.)
FM Feb 1 15:53 2Qtr Feb 8 09:16     1923 3 February Kamchatka, Russia (USSR) 1923 Kamchatka earthquakes 8.3-8.5[12]
      1361 3 August Pacific Ocean, Shikoku region, Japan 1361 Shōhei earthquake 8.2-8.5 (est.)
      1498 20 September Pacific Ocean, Tōkai region, Japan 1498 Meiō Nankaidō earthquake 8.2-8.5 (est.)
NM Jun 11 08:43 1Qtr Jun 18 11:41     1896 15 June Pacific Ocean, Tōhoku region, Japan 1896 Sanriku earthquake 8.2-8.5(est.)
FM Jul 16 15:31 2Qtr Jul 24 13:08     1905 23 July Uvs Province, Mongolia 1905 Bulnay earthquake






I really hate the interface on this site, it is as clunky as lead boots.

I was arranging the times of the lunar phases with the dates of the major earthquakes in recent history when I came to the one for 1730. This one occurred the day after the time of the phase. So I copied the two phases and dates for them either side of the quake when I realised that the cause of the quake was in the lead UP to the time of it and very little to do with much afterwards. (Yes of course I already knew that but if I wasn’t stupid I would have given this job up decades ago.)

So now I have to go through the whole thing again with the previous )phases included (And where do I start with them?

Before a severe earthquake the weather will have been acting very odd for months. What I am looking for is a sharp piece of dried grass, in an haystack.