How America lost the war

Believe it or not, there is one of those badly narrated US propaganda commercials about superior air-power in Viet-Nam during the Vietnam/US war. Such cobblers is fish-food for the dolts who used to inhabit televisionland’s aquaria before the Internet came along and showed the rest of us how the world works.


It is the usual propaganda format with considerable US “side”; you know the sort of thing, with the narration written in SHOUTEE! FOR! EMPHASIS! in case the culprits watching forget whose side they are on. (Or were.)


It provoked me to respond and some  weeks later grew into this mould of passionfruit:











saburu sakai


Yesterday 20:32




U gotta be kidding.


The US airpower carried the day in 72 because they were FINALLY allowed to fight without the stupid rules that allowed migs to shoot first before they could respond.


I’ve known many pilots who flew in nam, and they kicked serious keyster in air combat, though the NVAF pilots were very good. Your fathers did fight us, and fight well they did, but they did not win.


It was the American left, in the guise of the Democratic party mainly, and the leftwing US news media that won that war for you, not your fathers, though I say that with respect as I respect all who fight for their country, and fight well they did.




The Democrats allowed the South to fall after we withdrew, but Nixon allowed the US airpower to fight in 72, and it was the North who came to the table and gave in… least until the Democrats in the US congress could allow their communist allies to win by cutting off all military aid to the South. You guys finally won, but lets not forget the real reasons why.




This program is totally correct, I remember it happening as I was in high school, and I’ve known many of the pilots who participated thru the years. May 10 was a hard fight, but it was a victory. That doesn’t detract from the determination, skill or courage of the NVAF who came up against long odds. That did take some guts.</quote>




In case you are unfamiliar with the god forsaken political situation that was the marque of that abysmal disgrace, you might care to look up confessions of an idiocracy.


<quote=wikipedia>when the My Lai Massacre reports started to break, Westmoreland resisted pressure from the incoming Nixon administration for a cover-up,[citation needed] and pressed for a full and impartial investigation by Lieutenant General William R. Peers. However, a few days after the tragedy, he had praised the same involved unit on the “outstanding job”</quote>




That’s where GW found the quote for his praise of in the incummberance that assisted the demise of the Untidy State of America’s third seaport:


“Yor doin a heckuva job Brownie.”




But studying the comment that moved me to post on here I can see how the average US redneck would willingly vote for another chimpanzee if the chance came up.


There isn’t a lot of hope for a planet ruled by corporate greed is there.






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