8 September 2018

8 Sep 2018: Fuego , Popocatépetl, Krakatau, Sangay, Yasur, Sakurajima.


9th September 2018 New Moon 19:01. 19 = wet weather YMMV.

8th September Lunar perigee. Perigee 02:21 = tornadoes.

Readjusted for GMT not British Summertime:

08 Sa 01:21 Perigee = Heavy rain. This is in Welsh borderland.
09 Su 18:01 New Changeable perhaps some thunder?


According to the flowerpot men of yore: There is an 83% chance of:

Early September  “Anticyclonic”  Sep 1st – Sep 17th  Sep 10th  43/52=83%


So what is going on here:

I could be wrong about all this being over.  http://www.tropicalstormrisk.com/  The CIA gave the Chinese a serious amount of USA’s Tech and I gather they are not too happy with the new regime in the USA. It will be interesting to see if the Cling-ons will be paying for their crimes and if the Oroville project is being targeted in their last ditch effort to rule or ruin:

http://mkwc2.ifa.hawaii.edu/cgi-bin/process-sequence.cgi or is this artefact phenomea from the Fiji swarm:


M 4.5 – North of Svalbard 

8th 13:51 (UTC) 85.96°N 30.53°E

I wonder what there is in this far north stuff that I am not yet seeing.

It is late and I have so much to do. I will go over the North Atlantic stuff on another post.

Sweet refreshing rain.

For years I have been aware that birds of all varieties gather to roost all facing the same way as a front passes. A weather front usually means rain but I did not suppose that birds (which are infinitely mobile and caress the airflow with no thought or fear of rain) concern themselves with water, much.

I imagined that they were looking for signs of insects swarming, for occasionally you can see them swooping and diving to catch them on the wing. But insects don’t swarm more than once or twice a year, so that flocks of birds would have little time to bother waiting for the feast. I just put it down to an imponderable. Until today.

Today marks the end of a very long season of satanic abuse of the weather. I imagined that the servers knocked out of commission for the Deep State of the USA, Canada and GCHQ even New Zealand and maybe Australia and all involved except for possibly China.

The weather it seems is returning to normal. And it has been raining, not the hard heavy rain we sometimes get this time of year with flash floods but a sweet gentle rain that reminded me more or less of the volcanic activities that we have been enduring from the ffernals. But not quite the same.

I usually suffer quite badly during a volcanic eruption but today I was able to walk with pleasure in the falling rain that god sends. I had some stiffness obviously but I knew something had changed dramagically. And I was happy about it.

It seems to be over. I hope so. Now all that appears to be left are the fights from the disgruntled. As violence breaks out across the earth. I have no doubt that the power running things are arranging reprisals for the violent.

Today I took another look at things. The worms were out of the ground. Normally this occurs with heavy dew at night, when night-crawlers come half way out of their holes to search for detritus, leaf debris and the like fungal softened stuff.

In heavy rains they are washed out of their burrows to drown in the plenty, which tends to remain available to the birds. But this, in flash floods is fleeting too.

In today’s rain it was a prolonged set of showers designed to keep the worms fresh and mobile but available to forest dwellers. The sort of stuff that makes coal rich countries verdant.

I thank god for this. An apologise for the poor state of our environment over the last few centuries. Pardon our sins please. And help us get better from or illness.

Psalm 112

Praise the Lord.[b]

The bracket should lead to an explanation of the term “LORD” in caps given in most translations, its the Divine name (Jehovah) This is the name I choose to use instead of the more traditional fake votive:

Praise Jehovah

Blessed are those who fear Jehovah,  who find great delight in his commands. Their children will  be mighty in the land, the generation of the upright will be blessed.

Wealth and riches are in their houses and their righteousness endures forever. Even in darkness light dawns for the upright, for those who are gracious and compassionate and righteous. Good will come to those who are generous and lend  freely, who conduct their affairs with justice.

Surely the righteous will never be shaken; they will be remembered forever. They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Jehovah. Their hearts are secure, they will have no fear; in the end they will look in triumph on their foes.
They have freely scattered their gifts to the poor,
their righteousness endures forever; their horn[c] will be lifted high in honour.

The wicked will see and be vexed, they will gnash their teeth and waste away; the longings of the wicked will come to nothing.


This psalm is an acrostic poem, the lines of which begin with the successive letters of the Hebrew alphabet.

Hebrew Hallelu Yah

Horn here symbolizes dignity.

This shout of praise to god does not flow off the tongue very well for this reason I think this is a poor translation. There must be plenty of suitable English words that rhyme and scan in order to make this flow nicely.

In the Church of England the psalm is usually sung in a singsong voice that is not truly musical. I may come back to this and re-render it with some backing if I can find something suitable.


I get excited

I am worse now that I have had a stroke but at least I realise I have a problem. I am over energised to see my words in print. I am much worse in a one on on situation but I can at least get an opportunity to redress the things I write online. (Something I have had to come to grips with along with the bad spelling stroke causes.)

I know that the things I say, come out in a torrent of poorly thought out indiscipline. Believe me, I am working on it and have been for a while. Part of the problem is that my stuff is so far over the heads of most people that I get no feedback, so I burn up my own lubricant. Sorry about that.

Contributing factors: There Is No Such Thing As Plate Tectonics

“Plate tectonics (tectonicus, τεκτονικός “pertaining to building”)[1] is a lie or “scientific theory” that completely fails to describe the “large-scale motion of seven large plates and the movements of a larger number of smaller plates of the Earth’s lithosphere, since tectonic processes began on Earth between 3 and 3.5 billion years ago.”


People interested in earth sciences come to the Internet trying to understand things that have been deliberately falsified in order to keep them from finding out how things work. This may be the fault of other people but if you continue to believe such other people you can not blame god for what it leads to.

In its 100 and more, years of telling every one the Big Lie, geologists have never come up with the root cause of tornadoes, tropical storms, earthquakes or volcanic eruptions. What they have come up with are big words that don’t mean anything to ordinary people like us.

In fact what you get if you go to a science college, especially one that teaches earth-science, is calculus and some useful trigonometry and if you are lucky the ability to navigate, to a small extent.
These days navigation has been dispensed with so I really mean lucky as in “LUCKY!!”

Not that you need navigation but it is nice to understand how the planet is operated by the angels, even if Feynman disagreed. (Where is he now?)

Yes I know it is Carl Sagan, blame Google Search. It is all the same thing anyway: RUBBISH.

This is how the world works: Don’t miss the Trinitarian Archbishop of Tripe at the end:

Carl Sagan on Religion https://youtu.be/GFyTosjxCMc?t=378
Note how easy it is to radicalise stupid people if you catch them young and silly.

Back later with a real forecast for geo-physics. When was the last time you looked at your bible? Forgive my ire, please. This stuff makes me madder than a wet hen. I am full of poison giving me cramps.

If you suffer with cramps you need to flush your system and rehydrate with natural gum. Chewing-gum will do. Also grab hold of iron if you can’t get magnets. It is an inexplicable assistant. For immediate relief take a large dose of fish liver oil. and rethink your diet.

Security Blankets

All things are known by god and they have contingencies designed into them from before the founding of our universe. So it is a small thing for him to allow us to explain it all to ourselves. Thus.

It seems the NSA no such agency was designed as a fall back foolproof net in case the country was ever taken over by the mafia. And it was?

Steele: “I hope the firewalls hold.”

Doesn’t look like it.

The Great Awakening

Jehovah’s Witnesses like to think of themselves as unique. And, fair play, they have put up a better Witness to the Truth the Whole Truth and as best they can, Nothing But The Truth than almost anything any other human agency has been able to do, as far as i know.

They have been opposed to the United Nations before it was even the League of Nations. They have been able to identify it in advance from biblical prophecies and they were ready to stand for Christ, against it and against all the other agencies of the devil.

People have been awake to what has been happening for over 100 years. They went through WW1 proclaiming exactly what it was and what it was doing. And then they did it all over again in WW2. We had no idea that this disgraceful stuff was all going on back then.

But it seems obvious now to the rest of us doesn’t it?

To find out what they were doing you may have to look up Millennial Dawners and Russelites. We had all sorts of names before the term Jehovah’s Witnesses was decided on. This is their official site: https://www.jw.org/en/ there are plenty of fake good-news sites misleading people from there.

But you will have to find out for yourself.  As for the President of the  USA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CrosKy_PgGw we can see that he is still signalling to us when he has his arms folded the way that looks so odd and reminds, me at least, of HTML.

We are at war with the politicians of all the world’s democracies that are openly worshipping the lies of satan. We know who they are because they have been quite openly corrupt as anyone, anywhere who cares to look for himself can see for themselves. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xcd9b6L4oGo

But the reason, the main reason that we can catch up so easily with what has been said and done so far, is that all the work that has been done by all the agencies in the USA “so far”, has all been only a preparation for what is about to go boom.

Hopefully the allies, at least, of the US will wake up and see how late into the presence of the Christ they have left things. Also hopefully, their wicks are trim and their lights will not go out. Foolish!

Catching up

I don’t propose to run after all the posts up to now. Anyone can catch up to the status quo once they realise this is a war and one that has been going on for thousands of years.

It started before the time of Nimrod back when the world was not divided by nations, tribes or tongues. Once god saw what the leading politics was capable of doing he separated us by every conceivable manner. We would become so deadly so soon if he had left us to it.

And Cush was the father of Nimrod, who grew to be a mighty warrior on the earth. https://biblehub.com/genesis/10-8.htm

But he did leave us to work out our wickedness for ourselves. Sooner than later we were eagerly going after slaves and evil purposes. This has always been the way with men, because of following the wrong paths.


I think the term Autist comes from a play on the word Artist and the mental abilities of the secret servicemen of choice used in the second world war to break the Enigma codes Autistic syndrome. Such people are gifted at decoding complex structures.. The term applied to the general public decodiing Q-posts is not as complimentary as it seems. Not that autism is a gift anyone would want to have in their families.

The Q codes are relatively simple messages describing what is about to occur to the USA. The President has no right to uncover the work of the secret services, including the officers of the Federal police and Justice departments. If he does inform anyone directly, he risks impeachment for impeding justice.

What he can do is provide relatively inefficient codes simple enough to indicate the behind scenes outrages that are taking place with his enemies. He can not tell anyone anything outright, about a case that would amount to interference.

What he can do is remind the general public what is going on at any particular time and he can point out unlikely coincidences for the general public to deliberate.

This has led to the formation of a clique of followers identifying themselves with the Anonymous movement called: Q

Q Anon

I have not found any Q-posts on here. Time to catch up Vivaldi.

After the US election, the new president (Trump) waited for his major opponent to declare him President. She (Hillary Clinton) was too drunk to do so. When she finally got sober enough to appear in public, some 2 days later, she made a veiled threat to cause problems.

Shortly after that, the Antifa business blew up all around the USA. It seemed that the new President had no idea how to deal with Antifa demonstrators. The police, it seemed, were content to allow violent demonstrations to turn ugly.

With hindsight it seems that these rioters were being given free rein to cause all the trouble they wanted whilst the FBI was being cleansed. I imagine that the contingent of new FBI recruits introduced to us with the announcement of the “Storm” were being assimilated into the military while this rebellion was going on.

The FBI was in a disgraced condition, having become the Second Front, a Fifth Column, openly despising the new administration. Unknown to myself, I had become a recent fan of President Trump. I was interested at first, because the previous Republican presidents had been so incompetentthey amused me, when the outrageous new POTUS started playing the game, I was sure he was another fool.

I became glued to what I was watching unfold. It seemed that the news was uncovering all sorts of outragiousness about him. Yet the man seemed to be immune to it all. I have no idea when I was won over. I am a Jehovah’s Witness, so I am immune to politics. But there was something about the bugger that was very more-ish. And I couldn’t put it down.

I am now an unapologetic fan. I even bought one of his books. I recommend it too: The Art of the Deal.

What a nice format

I have not been posting on here for quite a while

2014 would you believe?

The odd thing is that I am using Firefox to write this. I have been using Vivaldi recently. Just not exclusively and I had n wish to go on this community, I had some difficulties doing that with my previous OS. I think I must have had a glitch in it. Updating from Mageia 5 to Mageia 6 has fixed whatever it was.

I believe that a lot of the problem is that the airwaves were commanded by the CIA. Sounds daft?

But it is true. I happen to know it from my illnesses they have made me remarkably in-tune with the interference put out by NexRad the weather modification complex that was MKUltra, developed out of the initial programme from the PaperClipped Nazis, after WW2. The details can be found on Weatherwar101, the most complete rundown on Youtube I have found.

That is enough from me for this blog. Be careful what I am saying to you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqFGcG4piko

I might be making a mistake or I might be telling you lies.