Why do people live where they do?



Initially a land is colonised when people can find food, clothing, shelter and peace.
Peace is actually the governing factor although “getting away from it all” for big city dwellers “all” included avoiding crime and military activity in most people’s minds.
Earth is so verdant that you can live anywhere; even in the tropics.
But in the tropics you are prone to diseases if the environment is rotten.
Lake Valencia for example, or Lake chad in the subtropics. And if you want bilharzia go to Lake Victoria and swim there or drink the water.
Lake Valencia would once have been a breeding ground for mosquitoes and subsequent malarial illnesses.But now it is too polluted even for mosquitoes; except that they probably love the pollution.

The answer would have been for the locals to farm ponds around the lake and keep them full of fish, especially wells with eels in. Carp ponds would have formed a barrier to most of the pests in a stagnant pool and provided the farmer with food for his family every few years.
But we overfish and exhaust everything we toutch and the planet reacts badly to our behaviour. Governments tend not to care if the incumbent has been in place too long and become complacent and rich. And too powerful for the population to get rid of. And these days mining and oil interests like to have very little interference from “greenies”.
They used to regularly kill the population of Venezuela if the locals got to vociferous about pollution and land grabbing. But Hugo Chavez out an end to that. Sadly he died recently and things will get back to normal soon as the rich and the foreign oil interests find out how to corrupt the present situation.
It’s been the same in Chad with politicians using religious persecution the way the Serbians did, as an excuse for mass genocide. Where were the oil interests then?
And why is lake Chad so digusting?
Malawi and the surrounding countries that used to be what the British called “Lakeland” or Tanganyika has had a history of misrule. This sort of thing tends to come about when the ruling family is supported by the most powerful tribe. Africans are easily led. Lots of effort has been put into keeping them ignorant.
And superstions abound in that region, where governments have been systematically robbing them for centuries.
Or did you think we British stopped such behaviour with the laws William Wilberforce struggled to get through Parliament?
So why did tropical countries get colonised?
I can’t imagine that the original inhabitants moved in with the sole idea of destroying the environment. This was not the case when whites entered the scene. The first things they did were to destroy the land’s balance to grow beef, then sugar and now soya. The soya is sold to Europe to feed pigs and chickens in inhumane cages.
So we have come full circle here in Britian with our abuse of out technology. While keeping slaves is overt these days (It’s all done in private in places like China and India.) We are still arrogant and ignorant abou what is done in our name.


The birth of storms is called cyclogenesis.

Modern meteorology emphasises the behaviour of events in the upper atmosphere as the start of a cyclone. I think the reason behind that is that fluid mechanics is so difficult to master and techniques employing it in forecasting are so liable to go wrong that using regions where so little happens makes matching sequences with past events a lot easier.

So they run a model out and using methods I don’t know about, manage to find previous runs that look exactly the same. Since they know what weather happened on those dates, they can guess it will go that way again.

Of course it stands to reason that they are likely to be right. The fact that non weather related phenomena can occur and change the weather makes such forecasting methods inaccurate to a certain extent. I don’t think I can say any more about that.


What I have noticed is that tropical storms that occur in near equatorial regions tend to run their course and die. A short time later another matching set of storms appears further down the planet.

I am speaking of the southern hemisphere. It is a phenomena I have only just noticed. I believe I noticed it at the end of the last northern hemisphere’s tropical storm season. This ended in November/December 2013.

I noticed it again with the recent sequence (previous to Ian and Colin.) And now in the middle of this present one I am able to say that the two super-typhoons Ian and Colin will deflate shortly and be taken down to the archives and become consigned to the history books.

But looking at the Australian chart BoM for 13 January 2014 (images to be added later) we can see that the storm Ian at least makes its appearance and fades into the background.

What happens next is that the cyclones surrounding Antarctica grow very large and around them a number or isobars (regions of equal pressure) form a ring parallel to the coastline of Antarctica.

This is a signal that another storm is going to grow. Colin will join in shortly and then the significance of the signal will become apparent. When the region of parallel isobars stretches some distance around the continent it indicates a multiplicity of storms. When the belt of parallel lines is wide, such storms will be very violent.

It remains to be seen why the last two storms Ian and Colin were not accompanied by very violent volcanic activity. There is usually violent volcanic activity when two such storms reach Cat 3 or greater. But I think it fair to assume that with the next two (or more) storms, there will be that high VEI.

So… they can’t spell rumours

After a few weeks of understanding the shape of things to come, it is fairly obvious that periods of heightened volcanic eruption follows the behaviour of tropical storms closely.

No Nobby Prizes for the work. You have to have theories that fit in with what everyone else is saying for to get them. And for money you need a government wind-up.

I have just watched a video called “The great global warming swindle“. It’s makers seem to think it was just an idea by a lone philosopher following the time when all the climate bods in the backroom had been talking about a new ice-age.

In the early 1960’s Britain had been ravaged by severe winters and the unions in charge of coal mining workers were causing political mayhem every winter ever since. In the mid 1970’s Margaret Thatcher came to power following a dirty tricks campaign sponsored by the US under the generous auspices of Richard Nixon.

By this time the miners had got themselves a union boss who was capable of making the government pay them for lung diseases and Margaret Thatcher saw the opportunity of killing two birds with one stone. All she needed was a little manipulation.

Once rumour has it that she put money on the table for universities to do climate research. And that ladies and gentlemen is why nearly all the argument for global warming comes from the one weather station in the world supporting the theory.


The very idea of basing anything to do with weather on the output of one station should be immediately and obviously daft to all of you my dear readers. But you are too stupid to have thought about it until now. And that is how rumours and politics work.



<quote=Wikipedia>An epiphany  is an experience of sudden and striking realization.

The term describes scientific, religious or philosophical realisation anywhere an enlightenment allows a problem or situation to be understood from a better perspective leading to innovation.

Epiphanies are relatively rare occurrences and generally follow a process of significant thought about a problem. Often they are triggered by a new and key piece of information but a depth of prior knowledge is required to allow the leap of understanding.

Famous epiphanies include Archimedes‘s discovery of a method to determine the density of an object and Isaac Newton‘s realization that a falling apple and the orbiting moon are both pulled by the same force.</quote>

Newton’s laws of motion are not Newton’s Laws. That understnding wasn’t an epiphany. I got the realisation from reading a translation of his book Principia. One section starts with the concepts as am introduction. He may have formulated the latin phrases from the work of Galileo who divided gravity and muliplied time by inventing slopes to study free-fall. That was the epiphany of physics.

Where did Nichholas Kopernik get the idea that the word rotated about the sun?

An epiphany?

Nonsense. The Jews and Arabs new of the workings of the solar system long before the Vatican was able to accept such dogma.What epiphanies came to the Allies in WW2 in order to invent the atomic bomb in 3 years?

Granted they threw men and money at the project and granted there were many lucky insights that came out of nowhere. A year after the attack on Pearl Harbour the first nuclear furnace was operating. Another year later and they were producing weapons grade Plutonium.

By the same time in 1944 they all but had a nuclear bomb. 10 years later he was dead. He died of cancer. I don’t know if this was related to his employment but a slew of nuclear physicists seem to have gone that way in the good old days.

<quote=Enrico Fermi>What is the good of working to collect a few facts which will bring no pleasure except to a few long-haired professors who love to collect such things and will be of no use to anybody because only few specialists at best will be able to understand them?

History has consistently taught us that scientific advances in basic understanding have sooner or later led to technical and industrial applications that have revolutionized our way of life.

It seems to me improbable that this effort to get at the structure of matter should be an exception to this rule. What is less certain, and what we all fervently hope, is that man will soon grow sufficiently adult to make good use of the powers that he acquires over nature.</quote>

It’s one thing to have insights. It is quite another to get the cultures we live in to make good use of them. More likely to happen is that man will continue to dominate man for profit.

Grab it while you can

Miracles are fairly easy it’s the mundane that I find difficult.


Some time ago I used to post warnings for them but then the method failed. I am assuming that it is back on tap:
Parallel fronts from a deep Icelandic Low following the dissipation of a severe tropical storm.

Nothing showing on the early BoM charts some (more tropical weather on the way at the far end of it.) And the North Atlantic full of mice and various other fronts. My guess where?

The Aleutians or Chile -but that front from here to Mexico is back… So…

Anyway the Virgin Islands and whatever will be getting a regular showing in the NEIC lists (unless that has changed with Googlification) otherwise… well you would have to ask for below Mag 4.5 or whatever the bar is there these days.

The triples will be just a couple of high 4’s and an high 5 or low 6 or three mediums of 5.2 to 5.5. I think that’s how it went.

I will be adding pictures to this thread as well as links. In the meantime, anyone that interested will have to search for them as Australian Southern Hemisphere sea level pressure charts from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology and the British Meteorological Office North Atlantic chart. (I think posting links would have been easier.)

Also see if you can find the Canadian NAEFS or NA EFS. (They like to hide their services on unimaginably impossible home pages. (Think Ice Road Truckers using ice roads built by the people who build logging roads really far out in the woods. Only with blind detours and limitless cul de sacs.))


The following is cribbed from my MyOpera Communities account. I would have written something just as good, or even better had I thought it was possible on this site but I didn’t even know how to copy and paste it. Someone else did it for me instead. Besides how can I improve on an intro like that:
About me:
Interested in knowing why and how weather is produced.
Human but exasperated by the repetitious plodding of my superiors and irritated by the antics of my rulers, whilst managing to keep a grip on my anger at the inanities of my peers.All in all, a most patient chap.
My work
One day people will wonder why I was ignored for so long.


Author’s recent posts TheosophyTechnology


I thought I had changed that last bit… Never mind.


Originally posted by Wikipedia:

Theosophy (from Greek θεοσοφία theosophia, from θεός theos, divine + σοφία sophia, wisdom; literally “divine wisdom”), refers to systems of esoteric philosophy concerning, or investigation seeking direct knowledge of, presumed mysteries of being and nature, particularly concerning the nature of divinity.

Theosophy is considered a part of the broader field of esotericism, referring to hidden knowledge or wisdom that offers the individual enlightenment and salvation. The word esoteric dates back to the 2nd century CE.

The theosophist seeks to understand the mysteries of the universe and the bonds that unite the universe, humanity, and the divine. The goal of theosophy is to explore the origin of divinity and humanity, and the world. From investigation of those topics, theosophists try to discover a coherent description of the purpose and origin of the universe.

Believe it or not, this is all I know about the subject. However, I have been engaged in the “science” of physics self taught, for some time. I seek “to understand the mysteries of the universe and the bonds that unite the universe, humanity, and”… well the bonds that unite the material universe and the human or biological systems, at least.

The divine is immutable and can not be studied apart from his creation -and what he himself has to say of it; or to it. And the immaterial universe is as yet a total enigma to even the most ardent and inspired believer.

Certain aspects of life in heaven can be determined by logic. Satan and the demon hoard’s ouster from heaven or the place of God (Jehovah or YHWH) can be gleaned from what is said of their being preserved in pits of dense darkness.

Presumably heaven has no solid matter such as would furnish the solar system or its like. In which case the “pits” would be a fence of the guardian angels set to preclude any of god’s servants from suffering disaster by viewing him. Such a shield would allow direct address to Jehovah -as in the beginning of the book of Job 1 vs 6:

Originally posted by Moses:

“Now there was a day when the sons (the angels) of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan (the adversary and accuser) also came among them.


Originally posted by Wikipedia:

“By the 18th century,the word theosophy was often used in conjunction with panosophy, i.e., a knowledge of divine things that is acquired by deciphering the supposed hieroglyphics of the concrete universe.

The term theosophy is more properly reserved for the reverse process of contemplating the divine in order to discover the content of the concrete universe.

Nothing in my blog is particularly designed to lead you astray from your religion. It is hoped I may lead you out of the pits of darkness from some of our more “glaring” science;  which are “springs without water and mists driven along before a tempest, for whom is reserved forever the gloom of darkness.” Meteorology especially it is in the dark ages still.

Three centuries of renaissance and where has it moved past computer models and 5 day forecasts?

What can I say about geology?

What can anyone say?

Originally posted by Paul, apostle to the nations:

“Take good care of that which is given to you, turning away from the wrong and foolish talk and arguments of that knowledge which is falsely so named.

That’s what!

The idea that Satan was free to roam the planet and see things, required access to light, that is: sunlight and yet be confined to hell where there is, again, the light of eternal flames is a matter for religions not science as such. I’d like to keep away from all of that if I can. (But I can’t.)

Certain aspects of life in heaven can be determined, as I said, by logic.

Satan and the demon hoard’s ouster from heaven (or the place of God) for example required only that the new king (Jesus) commanded all the guards to step aside from between God and the demons.

Their standing on the edge of the immaterial universe would require the demons (Satan with them) to take a last leave and beat an hasty retreat to planet earth where they have been enjoying a century of fear -as the editor of the New Republic once said (but not about them.)

To believe in God but not that there is an aspect to our spirituality that is personally catered for by higher offices than world governments/or stymied by seriously demented agencies, is to understand nothing of life. Babies know more about life, with their beliefs in father Christmas and the like.

The whole plot and counter-plot envisioned by Moses in the above book, whether you believe it is literal or not, answers so many questions about “knowing man’s” ignorance, stupidities and spitefulnesses.

Whether or not the world would be a better place if we all treated every person we met as a friend, at least initially, rather than judging him by his demeanour, his colour his language or his wealth etcetera, would change your particular lifestyle to a better one.

If you are coloured by a person’s race and hold it against him that his parents were born in another country it does more than mark you as stupid. It taints you from a full life. And cuts you off from the larger section of humanity, everyone else seems to be able to get along with (or not, as history shows.)

Ah well. It’s a nice idea.

What I am going to show is that one part of the world is connected to another part of the world. Every part of the world is intimately connected to every other part of the world. In meteorology this is called teleconnection. What I aim to show if I can’t prove, is that all the earth sciences are intimately connected.

What I would like you to consider is that the immaterial universe is connected intimately to the material one too. Cosmologist argue that the universe will eventually collapse. Either that or keep on expanding until death do us part. If the universe expands sufficiently we will all die. And of course if it collapses…

The alternative is that God has it nicely balanced, to the exact subatomic particle and that it can go on spinning forever. But where did it get the spin originally and why is chirality (hand) the hand of god?