Polar Points

In WW2 if a pilot got lst he wold call his sqadron for an heading. If he was overheard and it wasn’t dangerous to help him, he might get an heading: “So many hours” -in whatever direction, would help him save fuel and get inline, without giving too much away.

These things are based on Cartesian Co-ordinates, map references point to point. Meteorologists use this same system to map out regions of High and Low pressure on Ocean Charts. With the same frame of reference and expert will not need the land outlined for him (good job for Americans. I can never make out what I am looking at in their charts.)

Highs are usually higher pressure than 1016 millibars and Lows are similarly lower pressure than 1016 millibars.

On this chart for example three polar points run down from Denmark through France into Spain. Top to bottom: Low-1014; H-1024 and L-1015. They are so near each other in pressure that I’d consider them to be a Dual or maybe a Saddle (same thing in reference to weather but you might fall off a cliff if used in Topography.)

What it means, is weather so similar that you might only tell the difference under it if it was wet or dry. In this picture you only see the Dual, the rest or third part of the Saddle is on the other side of the horse.

What caught my attention is the line of warm weather fronts (pink,) runing south west towards the USA, containing cyclonic (only just) Lows 988 and 1003. I assume they deepen as they cross the Mid Atlantic Ridge. Let’s have a look:

The weather has moved on to thunder over Britain or Tornadoes over southern Europe but the Polar Points have also moved to the Mediterranean. The truth is the weather never really holds it is always flowing West to East. Following the sun?

Hardly. The sun is always shining and from the point of view of the whole solar system, always the centre.

What is there for the weather to follow?

The Planets!

The planets can be plotted with some wierd mathemagic as the polar points, when they come close together look for increased siesmology with eruptions and earthquakes. One day perhaps when the political elite have beeneradicated by Jehovah, the future wise men will be able to work out exactly what is happening over our heads.

As the charts change with the weather, so the weather changes with the planets. Which came first, the weather or the planets?

According to Moses, it appears they appeared one and the same time:

In the beginning god created the heavens and the earth…

The Bible begins with a profound statement: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” This verse, found in Genesis 1:1, sets the stage for the rest of the book and introduces the central theme of creation.

The word “heavens” (Hebrew: shamayim) refers to the sky or the expanse of space above the earth. It can also be translated as “the firmament” or “the sky.” In this context, it likely refers to the atmosphere and the cosmos, including the stars, planets, and galaxies.

Don’t you think it is time that you learned something more about it than the so called wise men of this system of things are prepared to tell you?

I don’t wish to call them all liars but it is true that I sacked them all (but only after they taught me all I could learn from them.)

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