The Great Awakening

Jehovah’s Witnesses like to think of themselves as unique. And, fair play, they have put up a better Witness to the Truth the Whole Truth and as best they can, Nothing But The Truth than almost anything any other human agency has been able to do, as far as i know.

They have been opposed to the United Nations before it was even the League of Nations. They have been able to identify it in advance from biblical prophecies and they were ready to stand for Christ, against it and against all the other agencies of the devil.

People have been awake to what has been happening for over 100 years. They went through WW1 proclaiming exactly what it was and what it was doing. And then they did it all over again in WW2. We had no idea that this disgraceful stuff was all going on back then.

But it seems obvious now to the rest of us doesn’t it?

To find out what they were doing you may have to look up Millennial Dawners and Russelites. We had all sorts of names before the term Jehovah’s Witnesses was decided on. This is their official site: there are plenty of fake good-news sites misleading people from there.

But you will have to find out for yourself.  As for the President of the  USA: we can see that he is still signalling to us when he has his arms folded the way that looks so odd and reminds, me at least, of HTML.

We are at war with the politicians of all the world’s democracies that are openly worshipping the lies of satan. We know who they are because they have been quite openly corrupt as anyone, anywhere who cares to look for himself can see for themselves.

But the reason, the main reason that we can catch up so easily with what has been said and done so far, is that all the work that has been done by all the agencies in the USA “so far”, has all been only a preparation for what is about to go boom.

Hopefully the allies, at least, of the US will wake up and see how late into the presence of the Christ they have left things. Also hopefully, their wicks are trim and their lights will not go out. Foolish!

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