I wish I had never got involved with Vivaldi

I wish I hadn’t bothered coming here. The interface seems set up for Microsoft or something unusable in KDE. I want to add a load of weather charts and am having an hell of a time.


If I had stuck out the Word Press learning curve, I’d be grounded by now. The paragraph spacings on here are huge and awkward and I am not a happy chappy.


I’ve just tried to open both the links to my albums to 1 set up a new album and 2 post some charts


I am buggered if I can see how to do it. The side bar I get whenever I log in is a bloody shambles. I can’t believe the bloke who owns the site was a top dog at Opera.

Or maybe I can. It seems to explain what happened at Opera all the damned time.


6 Replies to “I wish I had never got involved with Vivaldi”

  1. Well… it’s a work in progress and only a few months old now. It can’t have the spit and polish of MyOpera which took years to develop and refine. BUT if that doesn’t float your boat then you can always leave for Word Press. Being a member here isn’t a life commitment. Nothing is written in stone. Geeze, I de-activated my account here after a week but thought better of it and returned. Why not return to Word Press and continue there for a while to see if that is going to better meet your needs? And if it does – great; but if not, you can always return here. I wouldn’t delete my account here but wait and see what happens in Word Press first before making a final decision.

    BUT I do think it is unfair to blame Vivaldi at such an early juncture. Give it time and try and be a little more patient. 🙂

  2. Maybe your motives for coming to Vivaldi in the first place could be spelled out more clearly for curious chaps like me.

    I like the idea of an Opera alternative that won’t jump at the chance to cooperate with the spy agencies of various governments. Not that such agencies can be fully avoided, of course, because they are ubiquitous and insidious. Nonetheless, I blog both on WordPress and Vivaldi simply because each seems quite simple to me and eventually I might choose one or the other. At the moment, duplication seems safer in my ongoing quest to share a few thoughts with the cyber universe so long as I remain mortal.

    Maybe I am a simpleton in the first place and have never delved into deep complexities. I never pushed the boundaries well enough to recognize the validity of challenges you imply. Still, if you find fault with Vivaldi, I suspect others do, too. So bright people everywhere who know about your challenges might actually offer solutions, if details were offered succinctly.

  3. I avoid complaining about things that are FREE
    Yes I will complain if I am paying for some thing and it is unsatisfactory but never would I complain about some thing that is free.

  4. [quote]I avoid complaining about things that are FREE[/quote]I do because that is one of the ways I can tell the makers I am unhappy with something and especially with what part I am unhappy – which might have eluded them. If they take their stuff serious, the at least look at it and may be, if they think it is important enough, they change it.

    If I just sit here and pretend everything is shiny, while it is not for me, I undervalue myself and the developers. Good developers strive for perfection (perfection is an illusion btw.), and if not for perfection then at least to become as good as it can become.

    This exactly the way how some free software became so great as it is now

    … but one thing is left to be said:
    While [i]qualified[/i] complaints (like in bug reports or feature requests, which both basically are complaints) are good, non qualified complaints are not productive – and calling someone a bloke is very bad style.

  5. [i]… but one thing is left to be said:
    While qualified complaints (like in bug reports or feature requests, which both basically are complaints) are good, non qualified complaints are not productive – and calling someone a bloke is very bad style.[/i]

    I have to agree with this statement. I think you could have stated your objections in a much better, more respectful manner.

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