If the moon was more dense it woud have to be further away and would impact the rest of the solar system, rather the extra leverage on the orbit would affect the the satllite. Instead it centres the earth without too much interference, being made of glass. The craters are pingoes created by expansion and contraction of the rocks with alternate sunlight, which is why they are mainly hemispherical.
You would expect meteorites to hit at a less perpendicular angle. Likely the only stuff that could impact them comes from earth.
The largest of them on the side that is in eternal light would also be the cause of deflation making the moon a captured satellite designed by Jehovah God to be used for human calendars.
I came to this from a NASA post on the examination of a crater that is only partially lit and still contains the ice from when it was formed. Sunlight is a vacuum being enough to cause sublimation (solids that become vapour without becoming liquid.) Which begs the question: How can it recycle water?
With Brown Motion the whole moon would become covered in a film of ice. Someone needs to investigate. It can’t leave the moon, tides don’t work like that. Full moon at the time of writing is Oct 17 (Hunter’s Moon), 11:26 that has to be near midnight though Perplexity (Bezo’s search engine) won’t tell you why.
I once tried to work out a code for the times of the phases compared to the weather in the UK but there are umpteen phases, so I divided the time by six, ignoring the minutes. This gave me something approaching workable, if you consider the phases have the same pull regardless of the phase. I have no explanation why it works most of the time. Just matching them to weather patterns gave me better than average results. I have no idea why it works but it did, then I moved to a city whic was not conducive to stargazing.
The code:
6 divides 6, 12, 18 and 24 completely with zero remaining
divides 11, 17, 23 with 5 remaining
divides 10, 16, 22 with 4 remaining
divides 9, 15, 21 with 3 remaining
divides 8, 14, 20 with 2 remaining
divides 7, 13, 19, with 1 remaining
And the numbers 1 to 5 are part of the continuum
I dare say it would work with other factors. Any factor of 24 such as 3 or 4, but the highest common factor, 12 would be unworkable as would 3; 4 divides 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 and 24 but they are not phases in the accepted sense.
What is accepted sense?
I think my mind shut off here. There are two 4 o’clocks and there are two 8 o’clocks. I found they tended to produce tornadoes but couldn’t explain why. I used to assume the lunar tides were the key, in which case 12 o’clock was nearer to HighTide as was 6 o’clock. Again i could not say why but it seemed to have an uncanny physics so I ran along with it.
People do silly things with the best of intentions. Try them and see for yourself, your mileage is going to vary, whatever. Besides I am using the Greenwich time scale.
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