26th to the 1st and counting

The space between US.

https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/maps-and-charts/surface-pressure https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/map/? extent=-63.70472,-319.57031&extent=74.59011,48.16406&range=month&magnitude=4.5&baseLayer=ocean Links to the stuff I am interested in especially Sabancaya: https://www.volcanodiscovery.com/volcano-activity/news/253731/Volcanic-activity-worldwide-29-Sep-2024-Fuego-volcano-Semeru-Ibu-Dukono-Lewotobi-Nevado-del-Ru.html

My last post on this blog did not include the earthquake that closed the last spell: 6.3M. Mauritius – Reunion region 2024-09-26. 20:19. The space between, I was busy doing other things also I have four or five other blogs all about much the same thing. After “church” (we Jehovah’s Witnesses are a little touchy about the term church as it connotes Christendumb to us) I would have been preparing for my next dialysis at 6 am on Friday the day after that quake.

I was on another Vivaldi blog later, where I described the coming of Sabancaya. Let me describe my thinking to you, as it gets a bit muddy. I have been diagnosed with dementia. 20% certainty whatever that means. Personally I think that is an after effect of a stroke I suffered some years back but I suppose they added that in the calculation?

Which reminds me I need to go out, Later… which coyly refers to the space. I compiled a list of quakes relative to the Fukashima superquke but the amount of data it threw up over whelmed me. You get one of them every two or three decades or so. The funny thing, the anomaly, about them is you never get a tropical storm with them. Nowhere near a few days of one. We had several with the Mexican one about 2017 or 18? which was when I wrote: The Monkey That Felled A Statute, the charts from about the 9/11/2001 attack on the World Trade Centre. More accuratly a series of web pages about the Meteorological Charts published some years prior, during and afterthe fall of the thing Nebuchadnezzar dreamt.

The search for the North West Passage undertaken in British or Dutch ships, indicates small sailing vessels, even by the mid-19th Century wooden ships were small. It wan’t until the steam hammer and iron foundries became large companies, that iron ships could be made large. The Great Western, 1838 wooden and the Great Eastern, 1858 ironwork.

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