The Marapi/Dukono Dual

Marapi (Western Sumatra, Indonesia)
: Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Darwin warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 20000 ft (6100 m) altitude or flight level 200 .
The full report is as follows: VA TO FL200 LAST REPORTED AT 02/0450Z OBS VA DTG:02/1150Z to 20000 ft (6100 m)

Dukono (Halmahera): Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Darwin warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 8000 ft (2400 m) altitude or flight level 080 and is moving at 05 kts in N direction.
The full report is as follows: VA TO FL080 OBS AT 02/1640Z EXT NNW EST VA DTG:02/1640Z to 8000 ft (2400 m)

This dual under Greenland and Newfoundlans High-1029, and High-1030 are Marapi/Dukono. I have no idea which is which at the moment but findin out things like this makes me feel liek I know what I am doing and gives me the confidence to continue, completely in the dark excet that I think I am guded by holy spririt.

I can assure you that if iI can do it anyone else can too all I did was ask how these things work. Believe me I am more surprised than you that Jehovah answered me. I assume that I have to get busy publishing this stuff.

NOT that I want payment but these days nobody is interested untill whoever they wish to be interested in gets rich and famous. Believe me I do not desire fame. I am just trying to hide under a rock whist the power of god passes. I don’t even want to look!

There is no reaon to believe that these things do not occur it is just that in all the years I have followed these North Atlantic charts, I had never noticed one. Now not only have I noticed but somehow the hand of God handed me the answer to which volcanoes they are.

Thank you Jehovah.

Abother dua,l probably the same one, suddenly it is showering Duals. I was not paying full attention, a poor habit, I was just waiting for the next large quake as the weather had warmed enough to alert my psyche. Old and ill, it does that automatically these days.

I have nothing better to do. I struck me as I was catching up on last evening’s charts there had been a large eruption.

Three earthquakes too at least, all in the same region:

Nothing major a 5.8M and a 5.7M. Another 5.7M on the 9th with this:

6.2M. Pacific-Antarctic Ridge 2024-06-09 09:55:49 (UTC) With Venus Mercury Mars and Saturn aligning, I’d expected more.

Ibu (Halmahera, Indonesia): Explosive activity continues. Plume estimated 7000 ft (2100 m) altitude or flight level 070 .
Lewotobi (Flores): Near-frequent vulcanian-type explosions plumes 10,000 ft (3,000 m)-12,000 ft (3,700 m)

Semeru (East Java, Indonesia): Plume that rose up to estimated 15000 ft (4600 m) altitude or flight level 150.

Dukono (Halmahera): Plume estimated 8000 ft (2400 m) altitude or flight level 080.

Not spectacular but this is on the Atlantic: Sangay (Ecuador): Explosive activity continues. Plume estimated 22000 ft (6700 m)


Marapi (Western Sumatra, Indonesia): Explosive activity continues. Plume estimated 14000 ft (4300 m) Dukono (Halmahera): (12 Jun) Explosive activity continues. Plume estimated 9000 ft (2700 m)

So that was the dual in the Norwegan Sea between Greenland and Norway (I always confuse the Norwegian Sea with the North Sea.)

This is where the weather turns over. Greenland is mostly desert with a very low population density of 56,583. Iceland is 376,248 but thriving, Norway

This is where the weather turns over. Greenland is mostly desert with a very low population density of 56,583. Iceland is 376,248 but thriving, Norway 5,475,240 and Sweden 10,555,448. I wonder how that compares to the USA Strangely the region does not appear to be a target for refugees. Middling to Arctic, I wonder why.

Washington, D.C.: 10,984.43 people per square mile. I am guessing hqalf of them are Jewish politicians. Good job they are mostly on holiday.

This may be the best site for invrdyigating recently archived volcano data

Here’s Another Anomaly

5.0M. South Sandwich Islands region 2024-06-07 04:32:50 (UTC)19.2 mi

4.9M. South Sandwich Islands region 2024-06-06 23:37:16 (UTC)21.8 mi

5.5M. South Sandwich Islands region 2024-06-06 22:58:44 (UTC)21.8 mi

5.3M. South Sandwich Islands region 2024-06-06 22:53:03 (UTC),-589.21875&extent=84.92832,284.0625&range=month&magnitude=4.5&listOnlyShown=true&baseLayer=ocean&distanceUnit=mi&timeZone=utc&list=false&search=%7B%22name%22:%22Search%20Results%22,%22params%22:%7B%22starttime%22:%222023-02-1%2000:00:00%22,%22endtime%22:%222023-03-04%2023:59:59%22,%22minmagnitude%22:4.5,%22orderby%22:%22time%22%7D%7D

Nothing much since the 9th:

5.9M. southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge 2024-06-14 04:26:48 (UTC) and

5.9M. southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge 2024-06-14 09:51:57 (UTC)

I can’t explain why but I expected more.

Popocatépetl (Central Mexico): (13 Jun) Explosive activity continues. Plume to estimated 21000 ft (6400 m)

Sabancaya (Peru):Plume to 25000 ft (7600 m).

The day before: Popocatépetl (Central Mexico): Plume to 19000 ft (5800 m)

Sabancaya (Peru): Plume that rose up to estimated 27000 ft (8200 m)

And o the 11th June:

Sabancaya (Peru): Plume to 24000 ft (7300 m) Let’s have a look at that one

Low-995 looks like a shotgun blast. Who would have seen it coming from the day before?

The refraction is right up in Norway/Sweden: Low-968The reflection has to be something to do with seismicity over the planis of South America for aome reaon it is edged out of position by the activities of:

Popocatépetl (Central Mexico): Plume 19000 ft (5800 m)

Nevado del Ruiz (Colombia): Plume to 22000 ft (6700 m) and

Sabancaya (Peru): Plume that rose up to estimated 26000 ft (7900 m)

Causing the anticyclone H-1027 quite why an eruption on the other sid of the world has the effect of causing anticylones is beyond me and how would soething in Asia pus the American ones all over the place when the South and Central Americas are so close?

It makes no sense.

The other anomaly is that Cyclones absorb Anticyclones. This is how they form tornadoes and line storms called Roll Clouds in Britian and Derchos in the USA.

The Pacific-Antarctic Ridge

5.0M. Pacific-Antarctic Ridge 2024-06-09 11:27:42 (UTC)6.2 mi

5.0M. Pacific-Antarctic Ridge 2024-06-09 10:34:27 (UTC)6.2 mi

5.1M. Pacific-Antarctic Ridge 2024-06-09 10:17:55 (UTC)6.2 mi

6.2M. Pacific-Antarctic Ridge 2024-06-09 09:55:49 (UTC)6.2 mi

5.3M. Pacific-Antarctic Ridge 2024-06-09 09:48:04 (UTC)6.2 mi

4.5M. Pacific-Antarctic Ridge 2024-06-09 06:23:52 (UTC)

I don’t recall seeing a spate of these things ever. I don’t suppos that they are all that rare, just because I never noticed these thngs in the Southern Ocean also it seems odd that the largest one of them was not the first. Have I missed that one as well?

Anyway if we add 14 days to them there will be six individual storms in 14 days after this; which means 23 June 20. This would be true whether the storms are natural or man made.

However this application gives data that makes it possible to see at a glance if a storm is being managed by unnaturall guidance for beneficial effects or the reverse. If the nations causing the events are deep state activists their terrorism will be punishabel by the internatioal courts. Whether they can get away with it or not.

There was an article on about nation deciding for themselves to do away with satanic leadership before Armageddon takes place. I must ask the person who showed it to me for the link. That is the sort of thing that would end this wicked system of things.

Hunga Tonga

The largest eruption of the 20th century. Noticed: The explosive submarine eruption began on December 20, 2021, with the largest exposion 15 January 2022. Satellite measurements recorded an eruption column of at least 30,000 m (98,000 ft) into the atmosphere.

Well fancy that; was this Hunga Donga?

H-1029 over Britain. It showed the same pattern in 2009.

Friday 13 January, watch the development of Tee-Cells:

Well, I am blowed!

Alignments excluding Sol = Pluto Saturn and Jupiter.

The other planets al seem designed to pull the barycentre of the sun apart in a sunquake, with Mars and Mercury working with Uranus and Earth and Venus pulling the same trick in parallel with Pluto Saturn And Jupiter

Mars Jupiter and Neptune doing the same thing but with Neptune pulling the torque for rotation.


Ibu Volcano Volcanic Ash Advisory: VA OBS TO FL180 MOV NW AT 06/1250Z OBS VA DTG: 06/1250Z to 18000 ft (5500 m) I am conviced that H-1024 is the seismicity of a Volcano called IBu ins Indonesia. It’s signal is transmitted by submarine refractions and is visible to us as an Anticyclone as is Semeru also other anticyclonesare transmitted similarly.

Why would meteorologists deny such things, they aknowleges that such major eruptions can tranmit a wave around the earth sometimes a number of times. How many times was Kratatau supposed to have rotated about the atmosphere?

We are about to find out as this is the one people that enjoy are about to hear are already hearing. It is going to get uncomfortable. Perhaps eardrumbursting. All the more likely with the rule or ruin Democrats and world Elites willing to die for satan.

It is sitting right in the middle of the North Atlantic right now:

In fact 1016 is acting as a carrier wave for it over Stoke on Trent at the moment. It sounds like a pressure cooker sizzling in an adjacent room in my house. I dare say that other sufferers are not enjoying it even more than I.

I am going to have to track this thing back in time and than get out preaching about its signal. I am pretty sure the brothers are going to be embarrassed by my zeal. Sorry, not sorry about that.

So what is this?

It isn’t Iceland or Italiannor North African. What volcanoes were erupting back in 2009?

Dieng Volcanic Complex

I have no idea at the moment but this is the only one that fits from the Smithsonian.


25 Minutes in a reference to the variations magnetic globe indicates situationof preDeep Hot Biosphere geology reliance on a magnetic core being powerful enough to affect the 20 or so miles of crust insulation and become a field on the surface of the earth reliable for rudementary navigation.

It should allow or pause to ponder.

Antikythera Mechanism V2: A Modernized Reproduction

This thing would have benn a machine to navigate with sited likely on each sailing vessel of the day

Anomalies Not That Odd

Bearing in mind the sun is a larger gas giant than Jupiter, one might reconsider the anomalies of Mercury against the assumed centre of the sun, with the baricentre of the sun in a field n-bodies, four of which are gas giants not including Earth or Venus

Then one has to consider the implications of Venus, Earth and perhaps Mars in the light of the Deep Hot Biosphere which first produced the theory of a liquid core to the earth. Professor Thomas Gold asserted the centre of Earth is a super-heated core with temperatures in excess of 800 degrees (I don’t remember if that is 800F or 800C) regardless 800 F is 426.6C at which temprature water is approaching red heat and easily capable of dissolving rock.

This would at least go some way to explain why most volcanoes are well within the sub tropics. Perhaps not so easily explain the location of most earthquakes is between 30 degrees north and 30 degrees south?

Or does it not? Hang on, if the inertia… umm. I need to think about that one… back soon, relatively speaking. No the inertia of super-fluids is well out of my abilities. Not beyond the holy spirit though. Perhaps a little longer, maybe?

The Lost art of Processors

This is how computer brains were made in 1943, some 100 years before Artificial Intelligence. This video was produced by the US Army signal Corps in the middle of WW2, likely distributed to all the science technitians and intelligence squadrons at US Army bases all over the world. For comparison the scifi thriller Terminator came out in 1984 and is about a machine assassin sent to 1984 from 2029 by Skynet.

1984 to date (2023) covers the search for artifical intelligence in non military circles as far as I know. Which brings us to the time of the fall of all the World Empires signalled publically with the fall of the Twin Towers in NewYork on 11 September 2001 and their dispersal into three cyclones and a fourth anticylone prophecied in Daniel 2:  “In the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed. And this kingdom will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it alone will stand forever, just as you saw that out of the mountain a stone was cut not by hands, and that it crushed the iron, the copper, the clay, the silver, and the gold.

I would rather have a copy of this video but AI know better and I am tired of fighting it. I am pretty sure I can get is through a Linux Machine but then I would have to fight linux codes decigned to thwart Microsoft (or visa versa.) There is still pretty much a war going on over information.

Olde Tyme Dansinge For Anegelles

A daughte title for ye most obvious answer to idiots who do not believe in creation.

Ande Noe Appolgyese Tooe Neithere

What if all these cyclones and anticyclones were the angels dancing?

Then by tradition every storm that ever was and ever will be is also named for the place its signature occurs, that is every volcano active and innactive that ever was. This would explainTeleconnection.

It would be a work of dedication to assemble the names accurately but the people doing it are only asking for an handful of Euros occasionally but “we” have to decide which hill is which:

(Apologies in advance to Volcanoes Today if the site misdirects, the forematting bar kept getting in my way)

Barren Island (Indian Ocean): Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report (updated 30 Mar 2024)
Bezymianny (Central Kamchatka Depression): Volcanic Ash Advisory (updated 26 Oct 2023)
Dukono (Halmahera): Volcanic Ash Advisory (updated 17 May 2024)
Ebeko (Paramushir Island): Volcanic Ash Advisory (updated 24 Apr 2024)
Erebus (Antarctica): active lava lake in summit crater (updated 8 Dec 2014)
Erta Ale (Danakil depression, Ethiopia): yet another lava sequence in northern pit crater (updated 10 May 2024)
Fernandina (Galápagos Islands, Ecuador): Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report (updated 23 May 2024)
Fuego (Guatemala): Volcanic Ash Advisory (updated 21 Mar 2024)
Ibu (Halmahera, Indonesia): Volcanic Ash Advisory (updated 1 Jun 2024)
Krakatau (Sunda Strait, Indonesia): Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report (updated 14 Dec 2023)
Lewotobi (Flores): Volcanic Ash Advisory (updated 23 Apr 2024)
Lewotolo (Lesser Sunda Islands): lava flow eruption on western slope continues (updated 1 Jun 2024)
Marapi (Western Sumatra, Indonesia): Volcanic Ash Advisory (updated 31 May 2024)
Masaya (Nicaragua): Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report (updated 24 Oct 2019)
Merapi (Central Java, Indonesia): Volcanic Ash Advisory (updated 31 May 2024)
Michael (South Sandwich Islands, UK): activity resumes; a thermal anomaly in the summit crater (updated 26 Oct 2023)
Nyamuragira (DRCongo): lava lake remains active (updated 17 Apr 2024)
Nyiragongo (DRCongo): new lava lake (updated 17 Apr 2024)
Popocatépetl (Central Mexico): Volcanic Ash Advisory (updated 1 Mar 2024)
Reventador (Ecuador): Volcanic Ash Advisory (updated 13 May 2024)
Reykjanes (Reykjanes peninsula (SW Iceland)): Updated hazard map (updated 29 May 2024)
Sabancaya (Peru): Volcanic Ash Advisory (updated 14 Feb 2023)
Sakurajima (Kyushu, Japan): Volcanic Ash Advisory (updated 15 Feb 2024)
Sangay (Ecuador): Volcanic Ash Advisory (updated 4 Apr 2024)
Santiaguito (Guatemala): Volcanic Ash Advisory (updated 28 Feb 2024)
Semeru (East Java, Indonesia): Volcanic Ash Advisory (updated 20 May 2024)
Shiveluch (Kamchatka): Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report (updated 17 May 2024)
Stromboli (Eolian Islands, Italy): stunning aerial video of erupting hornito (updated 31 May 2024)
Suwanose-jima (Ryukyu Islands): Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report (updated 12 Jan 2024)
Tinakula (Santa Cruz Islands, Solomon Islands): eruption continues with lava flows from summit vent (updated 22 Mar 2024)
Villarrica (Central Chile): Volcanic Ash Advisory (updated 19 May 2024)
Yasur (Tanna Island, Vanuatu): Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report (updated 12 Oct 2023)

For some reason I think this also belongs on here: He is just gassing but one day it will happen. Why not?

And there’s more

To Expect The Unexpected

A man without God is a lost soul. These days he’s worse than a lost soul because all of the demons are searching all of the earth to find victims. Like the effort to infect eveyone with influenza, it falls flat over two thirds of the planet as the initial infection mutates in the wild.

That doesn’t mean the population is prospering nor even recovering. Those that are listening to God to the best of their ability stand to gain great favour by virtue of the prosperity offered through the holy spirit. I am not saying that the spirit is limited, so much as the affinity it offers is going neglected if not outright rejected. All a man has to do is ask in fathfulness. And these days the scope of hings to ask for is a lot wider than it used to be.

IBU VOLCANO ERUPTIONS Stratovolcano 1325 m / 4,347 ft
Halmahera, Indonesia, 1.48°N / 127.64°E
Eruption list: 2012-ongoing, 2009, 2008, 2004-05, 2001, 1998-99, 1911

So this thing has been in eruption since 2012. I suppose I can’t rely on what I thought OK with the North Alantic charts.

Oh dear Oh dear! What haven’t I done?

When did the Greenland High stop being a thing?

I took my eye off the ball too soon

Elongation is what used to happen to cyclones in the days before they invented volcanoes for the North Atlantic charts. Then they became duals and then I turned my attention to anticyclones.