To Expect The Unexpected

A man without God is a lost soul. These days he’s worse than a lost soul because all of the demons are searching all of the earth to find victims. Like the effort to infect eveyone with influenza, it falls flat over two thirds of the planet as the initial infection mutates in the wild.

That doesn’t mean the population is prospering nor even recovering. Those that are listening to God to the best of their ability stand to gain great favour by virtue of the prosperity offered through the holy spirit. I am not saying that the spirit is limited, so much as the affinity it offers is going neglected if not outright rejected. All a man has to do is ask in fathfulness. And these days the scope of hings to ask for is a lot wider than it used to be.

IBU VOLCANO ERUPTIONS Stratovolcano 1325 m / 4,347 ft
Halmahera, Indonesia, 1.48°N / 127.64°E
Eruption list: 2012-ongoing, 2009, 2008, 2004-05, 2001, 1998-99, 1911

So this thing has been in eruption since 2012. I suppose I can’t rely on what I thought OK with the North Alantic charts.

Oh dear Oh dear! What haven’t I done?

When did the Greenland High stop being a thing?

I took my eye off the ball too soon

Elongation is what used to happen to cyclones in the days before they invented volcanoes for the North Atlantic charts. Then they became duals and then I turned my attention to anticyclones.

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