Wednesday 24 October 2018

16 Tu 18:02 First Quarter
17 We 12:03 Moon Descending Node
17 We 19:16 Moon Apogee: 404200 km
18 Th 13:01 Moon-Mars: 2.2° S
21 Su 17:03 Orionid Shower: ZHR = 20
24 We 00:43 Uranus Opposition
24 We 16:45 Full Moon

Volcanoes Today, 17 Oct 2018: Popocatépetl volcano, Krakatau, Dukono, Rincón de la Vieja, Reventador, Sangay, Sabancaya

Episode 257 Scott Adams: The Kanye Meeting, 13th Amendment and Turkey, CNN’s attempt to “Cultural Gravity” Kanye: The alarming attacks on Kanye for trying to make a positive difference. CNN weaponised its staff and Don Lemon called it a “minstrel show”, CNN’s Nia-Malika Henderson’s “out of context” list hit piece. The 13th Amendment of the US Constitution and understanding Kanye’s point. President Trump crashed Turkey’s economy to free Pastor Brunson, the meaning of the word “trump!”

Take an American -Lose your economy:

In the good old says long, long before I was a whisper in the night, we used to do that: “The War of Jenkin’s Ear”.

Granted, we were just ending Blackbirding in those days and several other things were also helping HMG’s finances a la Rothschild coercion, trickery and kidnapping workers for 1860’s ships in the Pacific to mine the guano on the Chincha Islands in Peru. In the 1870’s  it focused on supplying the sugar plantations of Queensland and Fiji.

The first day of this spell is a major eruption.

The next one like it, is at the end of the spell with much the same energy.


Notice there is a cyclone in the North Pole. It is not a strong event but it doesn’t have to be. Notice too that there is a secondary adjacent cyclone attached. If I were not a meteorologuise I should have no explanation for such.

This is the first day (in this spell) when a line of similar air masses run in a straight line across this continent. A triangular cluster or one broken by a mass that runs counter to the three, signals a change in the spell:

From this representation of the globe by the Australians, we can see how the cold air in the higher latitudes sucks in anticyclones. Notice all the time that is is generally the one with the other:

The same is true for their magnificent Southern Hemisphere model:

With this one though it is easier to see where the coming volcanic eruptions are likely. The model ALWAYS shows a penchant for pointing out of the Indian ocean ( Forcing, a meteorological term -again with the warfare allusions.) In this case it really is forced to.

The channel between Australia and Antarctica is the widest of the southern hemisphere’s three surrounding continents and thus the more likely to give room for showing such development. All the channels show such pointing. It is likely to coincide in the narrow straights of the three coincidental northern hemisphere “passes”. I doubt very much that god created geography just to look good. Or do you believe in Coincidence?

I don’t have a reason to leave this here. It is just me being friendly to the Americans, now they have stopped killing everyone. Thank you Mr President:

Every few days I collect the NEIC seven day list…

…and supplement it daily with this.

The following charts from NullSchool are in no significant order. I may have to reanalise this later:

“Pending” is the Meteorologiclueless term for Tropical storms/Volcanic eruptions. Earthquakes are included, as I have explained elsewhere:

This stuff doesn’t fit in here but it happens anyway until god decides to stop whoever is doing it!

Glad it’s not me.

God help them.

44 Replies to “Wednesday 24 October 2018”

  1. 18 Oct 2018: Krakatau, Dukono, Kerinci, Reventador, Turrialba, Sangay, Sabancaya

    19 Oct 2018: Fuego, Ibu, Dukono, Kerinci, Reventador, Sangay, Sabancaya
    BoM Globe has seized at IDY20000.mslp-precip.018.png which would not even show itself on the next post!
    Someone must really be upset with me, God protect me from committng Arkanaside. Woukd yoy believe: IDY20001.mslp-precip.024.png is also jammed something is building and I think it’s dammed

    I wish there was some way of representing the North Atlantic at: PPVG89.gif whilst we are waiting. It will surely be interesting; and when the NA-EFS turns green with envy, it is not envy 2018-10-26.

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