Q Anon

I have not found any Q-posts on here. Time to catch up Vivaldi.

After the US election, the new president (Trump) waited for his major opponent to declare him President. She (Hillary Clinton) was too drunk to do so. When she finally got sober enough to appear in public, some 2 days later, she made a veiled threat to cause problems.

Shortly after that, the Antifa business blew up all around the USA. It seemed that the new President had no idea how to deal with Antifa demonstrators. The police, it seemed, were content to allow violent demonstrations to turn ugly.

With hindsight it seems that these rioters were being given free rein to cause all the trouble they wanted whilst the FBI was being cleansed. I imagine that the contingent of new FBI recruits introduced to us with the announcement of the “Storm” were being assimilated into the military while this rebellion was going on.

The FBI was in a disgraced condition, having become the Second Front, a Fifth Column, openly despising the new administration. Unknown to myself, I had become a recent fan of President Trump. I was interested at first, because the previous Republican presidents had been so incompetentthey amused me, when the outrageous new POTUS started playing the game, I was sure he was another fool.

I became glued to what I was watching unfold. It seemed that the news was uncovering all sorts of outragiousness about him. Yet the man seemed to be immune to it all. I have no idea when I was won over. I am a Jehovah’s Witness, so I am immune to politics. But there was something about the bugger that was very more-ish. And I couldn’t put it down.

I am now an unapologetic fan. I even bought one of his books. I recommend it too: The Art of the Deal.

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