
I think the term Autist comes from a play on the word Artist and the mental abilities of the secret servicemen of choice used in the second world war to break the Enigma codes Autistic syndrome. Such people are gifted at decoding complex structures.. The term applied to the general public decodiing Q-posts is not as complimentary as it seems. Not that autism is a gift anyone would want to have in their families.

The Q codes are relatively simple messages describing what is about to occur to the USA. The President has no right to uncover the work of the secret services, including the officers of the Federal police and Justice departments. If he does inform anyone directly, he risks impeachment for impeding justice.

What he can do is provide relatively inefficient codes simple enough to indicate the behind scenes outrages that are taking place with his enemies. He can not tell anyone anything outright, about a case that would amount to interference.

What he can do is remind the general public what is going on at any particular time and he can point out unlikely coincidences for the general public to deliberate.

This has led to the formation of a clique of followers identifying themselves with the Anonymous movement called: Q

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