It could only happen on the Internet

Ultimate spy nasties NSA have released an employee. He is now inthe encrypted e-mail business. As well has having been employed by the NSA he has a stint at the white house to his name too. His previous employer there should you require a reference?

>>> George W Bush. <<<

Yes folks the [s]man[/s] idiot that didn’t know that he had to keep all his emails for posterity had an advisor from the NSA. And today he’s offering you secure email (that can track your contacts and delete your messages from not only their computer but anyone else they send it on to.)

According the FAQ however his company won’t provide your keys to anyone without your consent – unless they are ordered to. In fact, they will fight for you to have notice and an opportunity to object before during or after? they give away your family jewels.

Pity they will be doing it in the land of the free.

A word to the wise:

Lavabit founder Ladar Levison has teamed up with the peeps behind Silent Circle to form the Dark Mail Alliance, a group dedicated to creating an end-to-end encrypted alternative to email that would guard against eavesdropping. The Dark Mail Alliance is looking to develop an Email 2.0 that offers superior privacy.

Levison looks to be setting up shop out of US jurisdiction and HE has a decent track record of the Snow White variety.

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