
Someone set this up for me.

All I did was copy the charts in the correct order they appeared on the Australian meteorological office’s website. While I was loading them something didn’t seem right. So I looked at what I was watching and realised that some of the charts were jumping backwards. It never occurred to me that they might be loaded wrong.

What I thought they signalled was some pretty interesting fireworks somewhere in or on the planet. A bit of a storm in a teacup really and I shouldn’t post a record of it but someone reminded me of the occasion after I alerted uk.sci.weather participants to it. (Most of my posts tend to get ignored for obvious reasons.)

Anyway for a short while at least here is the sequence as it arrived at my door:


26 January 2014 BoM



It could only happen on the Internet

Ultimate spy nasties NSA have released an employee. He is now inthe encrypted e-mail business. As well has having been employed by the NSA he has a stint at the white house to his name too. His previous employer there should you require a reference?

>>> George W Bush. <<<

Yes folks the [s]man[/s] idiot that didn’t know that he had to keep all his emails for posterity had an advisor from the NSA. And today he’s offering you secure email (that can track your contacts and delete your messages from not only their computer but anyone else they send it on to.)

According the FAQ however his company won’t provide your keys to anyone without your consent – unless they are ordered to. In fact, they will fight for you to have notice and an opportunity to object before during or after? they give away your family jewels.

Pity they will be doing it in the land of the free.

A word to the wise:

Lavabit founder Ladar Levison has teamed up with the peeps behind Silent Circle to form the Dark Mail Alliance, a group dedicated to creating an end-to-end encrypted alternative to email that would guard against eavesdropping. The Dark Mail Alliance is looking to develop an Email 2.0 that offers superior privacy.

Levison looks to be setting up shop out of US jurisdiction and HE has a decent track record of the Snow White variety.

Social networks

There is an article on here:


based on an article published by Princeton that predicts the eventual demise of Facebook. More interesting than the article (which in my opinion is a better total waste of US taxpayer’s money than anything they have done in Iraq this century) are the reader’s replies which ARE extremely informative.

Comparing Facebook to Vivaldi and this site’s emulation of what I don’t want in a blog ie for example the Friends section.

Do I want the world to know who my friends are?

Why must I feel compelled to reply to the requests for friendship?

I don’t even understand what that stuff is all about. All I can see is that I am going to befriend someone I don’t even know, may not even like and possibly has a reputation that might harm mine by association. Or worse still, ask me for money.

Or I am going to offend and upset someone who has done me no harm and might have wished me well. Might even have become a real friend or at the least, useful to me or another associate.




Why do people live where they do?



Initially a land is colonised when people can find food, clothing, shelter and peace.
Peace is actually the governing factor although “getting away from it all” for big city dwellers “all” included avoiding crime and military activity in most people’s minds.
Earth is so verdant that you can live anywhere; even in the tropics.
But in the tropics you are prone to diseases if the environment is rotten.
Lake Valencia for example, or Lake chad in the subtropics. And if you want bilharzia go to Lake Victoria and swim there or drink the water.
Lake Valencia would once have been a breeding ground for mosquitoes and subsequent malarial illnesses.But now it is too polluted even for mosquitoes; except that they probably love the pollution.

The answer would have been for the locals to farm ponds around the lake and keep them full of fish, especially wells with eels in. Carp ponds would have formed a barrier to most of the pests in a stagnant pool and provided the farmer with food for his family every few years.
But we overfish and exhaust everything we toutch and the planet reacts badly to our behaviour. Governments tend not to care if the incumbent has been in place too long and become complacent and rich. And too powerful for the population to get rid of. And these days mining and oil interests like to have very little interference from “greenies”.
They used to regularly kill the population of Venezuela if the locals got to vociferous about pollution and land grabbing. But Hugo Chavez out an end to that. Sadly he died recently and things will get back to normal soon as the rich and the foreign oil interests find out how to corrupt the present situation.
It’s been the same in Chad with politicians using religious persecution the way the Serbians did, as an excuse for mass genocide. Where were the oil interests then?
And why is lake Chad so digusting?
Malawi and the surrounding countries that used to be what the British called “Lakeland” or Tanganyika has had a history of misrule. This sort of thing tends to come about when the ruling family is supported by the most powerful tribe. Africans are easily led. Lots of effort has been put into keeping them ignorant.
And superstions abound in that region, where governments have been systematically robbing them for centuries.
Or did you think we British stopped such behaviour with the laws William Wilberforce struggled to get through Parliament?
So why did tropical countries get colonised?
I can’t imagine that the original inhabitants moved in with the sole idea of destroying the environment. This was not the case when whites entered the scene. The first things they did were to destroy the land’s balance to grow beef, then sugar and now soya. The soya is sold to Europe to feed pigs and chickens in inhumane cages.
So we have come full circle here in Britian with our abuse of out technology. While keeping slaves is overt these days (It’s all done in private in places like China and India.) We are still arrogant and ignorant abou what is done in our name.


The birth of storms is called cyclogenesis.

Modern meteorology emphasises the behaviour of events in the upper atmosphere as the start of a cyclone. I think the reason behind that is that fluid mechanics is so difficult to master and techniques employing it in forecasting are so liable to go wrong that using regions where so little happens makes matching sequences with past events a lot easier.

So they run a model out and using methods I don’t know about, manage to find previous runs that look exactly the same. Since they know what weather happened on those dates, they can guess it will go that way again.

Of course it stands to reason that they are likely to be right. The fact that non weather related phenomena can occur and change the weather makes such forecasting methods inaccurate to a certain extent. I don’t think I can say any more about that.


What I have noticed is that tropical storms that occur in near equatorial regions tend to run their course and die. A short time later another matching set of storms appears further down the planet.

I am speaking of the southern hemisphere. It is a phenomena I have only just noticed. I believe I noticed it at the end of the last northern hemisphere’s tropical storm season. This ended in November/December 2013.

I noticed it again with the recent sequence (previous to Ian and Colin.) And now in the middle of this present one I am able to say that the two super-typhoons Ian and Colin will deflate shortly and be taken down to the archives and become consigned to the history books.

But looking at the Australian chart BoM for 13 January 2014 (images to be added later) we can see that the storm Ian at least makes its appearance and fades into the background.

What happens next is that the cyclones surrounding Antarctica grow very large and around them a number or isobars (regions of equal pressure) form a ring parallel to the coastline of Antarctica.

This is a signal that another storm is going to grow. Colin will join in shortly and then the significance of the signal will become apparent. When the region of parallel isobars stretches some distance around the continent it indicates a multiplicity of storms. When the belt of parallel lines is wide, such storms will be very violent.

It remains to be seen why the last two storms Ian and Colin were not accompanied by very violent volcanic activity. There is usually violent volcanic activity when two such storms reach Cat 3 or greater. But I think it fair to assume that with the next two (or more) storms, there will be that high VEI.

So… they can’t spell rumours

After a few weeks of understanding the shape of things to come, it is fairly obvious that periods of heightened volcanic eruption follows the behaviour of tropical storms closely.

No Nobby Prizes for the work. You have to have theories that fit in with what everyone else is saying for to get them. And for money you need a government wind-up.

I have just watched a video called “The great global warming swindle“. It’s makers seem to think it was just an idea by a lone philosopher following the time when all the climate bods in the backroom had been talking about a new ice-age.

In the early 1960’s Britain had been ravaged by severe winters and the unions in charge of coal mining workers were causing political mayhem every winter ever since. In the mid 1970’s Margaret Thatcher came to power following a dirty tricks campaign sponsored by the US under the generous auspices of Richard Nixon.

By this time the miners had got themselves a union boss who was capable of making the government pay them for lung diseases and Margaret Thatcher saw the opportunity of killing two birds with one stone. All she needed was a little manipulation.

Once rumour has it that she put money on the table for universities to do climate research. And that ladies and gentlemen is why nearly all the argument for global warming comes from the one weather station in the world supporting the theory.


The very idea of basing anything to do with weather on the output of one station should be immediately and obviously daft to all of you my dear readers. But you are too stupid to have thought about it until now. And that is how rumours and politics work.