26th to the 1st and counting

The space between US.

https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/maps-and-charts/surface-pressure https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/map/? extent=-63.70472,-319.57031&extent=74.59011,48.16406&range=month&magnitude=4.5&baseLayer=ocean Links to the stuff I am interested in especially Sabancaya: https://www.volcanodiscovery.com/volcano-activity/news/253731/Volcanic-activity-worldwide-29-Sep-2024-Fuego-volcano-Semeru-Ibu-Dukono-Lewotobi-Nevado-del-Ru.html

My last post on this blog did not include the earthquake that closed the last spell: 6.3M. Mauritius – Reunion region 2024-09-26. 20:19. The space between, I was busy doing other things also I have four or five other blogs all about much the same thing. After “church” (we Jehovah’s Witnesses are a little touchy about the term church as it connotes Christendumb to us) I would have been preparing for my next dialysis at 6 am on Friday the day after that quake.

I was on another Vivaldi blog later, where I described the coming of Sabancaya. Let me describe my thinking to you, as it gets a bit muddy. I have been diagnosed with dementia. 20% certainty whatever that means. Personally I think that is an after effect of a stroke I suffered some years back but I suppose they added that in the calculation?

Which reminds me I need to go out, Later… which coyly refers to the space. I compiled a list of quakes relative to the Fukashima superquke but the amount of data it threw up over whelmed me. You get one of them every two or three decades or so. The funny thing, the anomaly, about them is you never get a tropical storm with them. Nowhere near a few days of one. We had several with the Mexican one about 2017 or 18? which was when I wrote: The Monkey That Felled A Statute, the charts from about the 9/11/2001 attack on the World Trade Centre. More accuratly a series of web pages about the Meteorological Charts published some years prior, during and afterthe fall of the thing Nebuchadnezzar dreamt.

The search for the North West Passage undertaken in British or Dutch ships, indicates small sailing vessels, even by the mid-19th Century wooden ships were small. It wan’t until the steam hammer and iron foundries became large companies, that iron ships could be made large. The Great Western, 1838 wooden and the Great Eastern, 1858 ironwork.

On Dialysis.

Talk among ourselves as outpatients

Chat during an epic of two or three machines posting alarms, turned into comparison data, turned to Blood Pressure data. All meaningless numbers to me, they check my blood pressure three or for times a day three days a week and I learned nothing.

So when I came home I looked it up, I still can’t be asked about it but I caught this from the AI… and now I can’t return to it that damned thing. [Also it is becoming more and more difficult to get text to do as I wish rather than the way the computer wants to set it.]

…without studying all the factors involved bla bla bla. The main factor involved, why some machines souded alarms whilst others did not, is that different people react to different volcanoes and those reaction differ among the individual depending on what he has eaten how he has behaved and various inestimable variations among men.

When dialysis nursing studiously avoids disscussion about volcanoes they avoid the most prominent factors and become blind guides guiding fools, doomed to fall into a pit.

Volcanoes Today, 18 Sep 2024: Santiaguito the left these out of the heading:

Nevado del Ruiz (Colombia): Volcanic Ash Advisory Center Washington (VAAC) issued the following report: PSBL VA EMS

Reventador (Ecuador): Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Washington warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 14000 ft (4300 m) altitude or flight level 140 .
Sabancaya (Peru): Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Buenos Aires warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 22000 ft (6700 m) altitude or flight level 220 and is moving at 15 kts in SE direction.


Tierra del Fuego

I know so little about the region that I prefer to believe the land of smoke was named for its misty weather. The region holds Cape Horn which is why.

I have been asking myself should I be writing this instead of warning about the incoming bad weather but after reading about what was goig on in the USA and the political crimes there, I am pretty sure there has been a cover up in Tierra del Fuego.

Before I start, I must suggest the decline of the native population has been ascribed to diseases which were introduced with colonist. Except that in the age of sail with colonist travelling vasts distances, it is easier to imagine the Roman Catholics stole all their children to sell them as slaves and to drain the blood of the very young after torturing them for their adrenenochrome.

Salesian Missions – International Relief for Children

Salesian Missions is dedicated to caring for poor children throughout the globe in more than 130 countries, find your mission with us today.

Contact Us

We are especially thankful for any support that allows Salesian Missions to reach out to children around the world. Salesian Missions 2 Lefevre Lane, New Rochelle, NY 10801-5710 Phone: (914) 633-8344 (Office hours are Monday – Friday between 9:00am – 4:30pm EST) Email: [email protected]

[I am pretty sure this is the Clinton Foundation’s version of South America. I wonder if we should be working with our illegal aliens to find out much more about them and the governments they are fleeing.]

We are nearly 30,000 Priests, Brothers, … orphans and vulnerable children. [Did I just read: Priests, Brothers, orphans and vulnerable children?] Since our beginnings in 1859, the Salesians of Don Bosco has become the second largest order in the Catholic Church. Join our mission in giving hope to millions of youth around the world!…

Make a profound impact by helping to fund a specific mission project. … Help provide a house of worship for the poorest of the poor. … We understand that our friends and donors prefer different ways to show their support. For that reason, we offer a wide variety of giving options. By partnering with Salesian …

I find it hard to believe the passengers would be allowed on a ship in when they were too sick to travel nor that by the time of arrival the illness had not swept though the ship in a week or so. The survivors would then have immunity in the six months remaining to travel. How long was a commute in 1850?

Assume a walk aound the deck took 5 or ten minutes in good weather. Funny but true: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ruy7OKkB-DE it sounds like the Italians have finally come to terms with, if not Tierra del Fuegans, maybe Italians?

6.4M. 56 km S of Panguna, Papua New Guinea 2024-09-01. [6.8°S 155.5°E] @21:13.

Every once in a while we have magintude 6.4M quake that is usually followed by a larger magnitude in a few more days the hard bit is like religious belief forecasting. For instance this is four or five days later:

6.2M. 66 km NNE of Angoram, Papua New Guinea 2024-09-05. [3.5°S 144.2°E] 02:03 Not even the same island but their magnitudes are very similar. Did the plantary causes have the same spell?

Look at the timing.

 1 September 9pm

5 September 2am

The is not enough sensitivity with the way I am handling the almanac for me to tell what the causes I should be looking at are.

The time lapse is what I would expect from Mercury or Venus passing any of the other planets. Maybe they are from two separate spells. What constitutes a spell. Or am I wrong about the causes?

Perhaps you can do better. This is a serious question. Can you?

6.0M. 128 km E of ‘Ohonua, Tonga 2024-09-07 at 23:39 but is this the beginning od a spell or the end one?

You decide.

Hear the word of Jehovah, you dictators of Sodom. Pay attention to the law of our God, you people of Gomorrah. Here is an obscure scriptutre for you. The people of Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed and removed from the outskirts of the land of Israel long before there was a land of Israel, hundreds of years before there was a prophet Isaiah.

Yet the chapter, the first in the book of Iasaiah, starts with the description of Isaiah’s home: The vision that Isaiah the son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah.

It bouces just like these images.

Especially if you don’t know how to look between the lines.

What’s Going on in Petropavlovsk

Across Avacha Bay from the city in Vilyuchinsk is Russia’s largest submarine base, the Rybachiy Nuclear Submarine Base, established during the Soviet period and still used by the Russian Navy. The city is located 6,766 kilometres (4,204 mi) from Moscow and about 2,220 kilometres (1,380 mi) from Vladivostok.

7.0M. 102 km E of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Russia 2024-08-17 20:10

6.0M. 117 km E of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Russia 2024-08-30 05:24

Would the enemies of peace be engineering a war with Russia or is it just natural volcanic activity?

What happened a few years following the Great Flood to restore mankind to suseranty after demons had ruin of Earth in Jehovah’s plan for us; was Canaan revealed yet another aspect of bad behaviour that God did not want within his followers. Obviously Canaan is dead now and has paid for whatever it was, (the wages of error are death.)

For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus. Romans 6. People have assumed this to mean we all have to die to get to heaven and others have added the alternative of hell but that is not how God operates. Yes Jesus did give an alusion about a man suffering torment from which he refused to give release. That is not what the scriptures say about death. The alusion was figurative in my opinion. The man was not real and you would be a fool to argue a case for hell torment for eternity from the God that Jesus worshipped.

Whatever, we don’t go to heaven when we die. so be careful we might be walking a tight-rope. with no borders. If you get involved with perverts it will rub off on you and if satan realises you like that kind of thing you are going to have an addiction he won’t let you go from

(Caʹnaan) [Merchant Land; Land of the Tradesman], Canaanite.

1. The fourth-listed son of Ham and grandson of Noah. (Ge 9:18; 10:6; 1Ch 1:8) He was the progenitor of 11 tribes who eventually inhabited the region along the eastern Mediterranean between Egypt and Syria, thereby giving it the name “the land of Canaan.”​—Ge 10:15-19; 1Ch 16:18; see No. 2.

Following the incident regarding Noah’s drunkenness, Canaan came under Noah’s prophetic curse foretelling that Canaan would become the slave of both Shem and Japheth. (Ge 9:20-27) Since the record mentions only that “Ham the father of Canaan saw his father’s nakedness and went telling it to his two brothers outside,” the question arises as to why Canaan rather than Ham became the object of the curse. Commenting on Genesis 9:24, which states that when Noah awoke from his wine he “got to know what his youngest son had done to him,” a footnote in Rotherham’s translation says: “Undoubtedly Canaan, and not Ham: Shem and Japheth, for their piety, are blessed; Canaan, for some unnamed baseness, is cursed; Ham, for his neglect, is neglected.” Similarly, a Jewish publication, The Pentateuch and Haftorahs, suggests that the brief narrative “refers to some abominable deed in which Canaan seems to have been implicated.”

You can read the rest of the article here: https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1200000874

“Canaanite religion was extraordinarily degraded, many of the rites at their “high places” involving gross sexual excesses and depravity. (Exodus 23:24; 34:12, 13; Numbers 33:52; Deuteronomy 7:5) Incest, sodomy, and bestiality were part of ‘the way of the land of Canaan’ that made the land unclean and for which error it was due to “vomit its inhabitants out.” (Leviticus 18

The article says they paid for their errors but what I think happened is that they are still doing bad stuff. Which is what we see happening right now the canaanites intermarried with Israelites and Judeans. The people god sent to finishe the restoration of holy worship ere dead set against canaanite marriages.

Pompey and Julius Caesar got rid of the so called pirates inhabiting the coasts that were said to have attacked Rome at one time, Land locking them deep in the Urals somemwhere. But they have always been deeply into world politics in the manner of Nimrod, controlling people dspite themselves.

Now they infest world policies everywhere and I think Jehovah has comissioned his firstborn to eradicate them

6.4M. 56 km S of Panguna, Papua New Guinea 2024-09-01. 21:13

So the moving finger having wrote moves on: nor all thy piety nor wit shall lure it back to cancel half a line, nor all thy tears wash out a word of it. We do have a glimpse of it from about the same time

Ibu (Halmahera, Indonesia): Explosive activity continues, that term continues is likely H-1030 plume that rose up to estimated 8000 ft (2400 m) Would a new term Composite High encompass all the previous highs at that time rather than choosing an particular volcano?

Dukono (Halmahera): (31 Aug) Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Darwin warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 8000 ft (2400 m)

Semeru at 14,000 feet usually appears ove Greenland I think this woud be a good time to say no more https://www.volcanodiscovery.com/volcanoes/today.html

It might be an idea to look at the 3rd of September and Saturn Earth Sol, then wait.

How about Uranus Mars Sol too?

I think the occasional pat of a raindrop or -two almost no drizzle, is going to be expected this spell. Oh! I almost missed Venus Sol Mercury.

The high deteriorates into two sepatate masses.

Then three Highs by Friday 6 September 2024. Look forward to another quake. It should not be in Petropavlovsky but what do i know?

4.7M. 115 km ESE of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Russia 2024-09-03. 10:18

This was today:

Is the elongation in the Davies Straight feeding the troughs in ways only known to God?

More prayer needed obviously!

Back soon.

Pay attention to the Low-989 on the tip of Labrador(?) Canada.

Elongated out to Greenland at 1000 millibars and the warm fronts of a volcanic eruption.

Karymsky (Kamchatka): Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Tokyo warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 9000 ft (2700 m)

Shiveluch (Kamchatka): The latest eruptive episode at the volcano has been detected through satellite imagery. No plume mantioned so it is Karmsky but Shiveluch is a bout to plume too:

You may not be paying attention but one of us is learning suff here.

So Karmsky and Shiveluch are on similar resonances depending on the resolution of the n~body problem which was on the 2nd:

On the 4th:

Karmsky and Shiveluch should produce a dual of some sort immeriately before the quake of 7.0M. 102 km E of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Russia 2024-08-17 @20:10

Is it possible that the atmospheric reaction to it shows up over 170 degrees away. What if it went the other way around?

210 degrees?

My maths is nearly as bad as my cartography. I need a competent secretarywho is extremely rich and pretty. As wellas very patient with cranks. Shadow Zones:

>The seismic shadows are the effect of seismic waves striking the core-mantle boundary. P and S waves radiate spherically away from an earthquake’s hypocenter (or focus) in all directions and return to the surface by many paths. S waves, however, don’t reappear beyond an angular distance of ~103° (as they are stopped by the liquid) and P waves don’t arrive between ~103° and 140° due to refraction at the mantle-core boundary.

I shouldn’t get involved withe the peope who gave the world the Banned of Reddit. There again of course, I am the Banned of Reddit; which apart from a bleak sojourn in Teh Beehive is the only recommendation I can give me.

  • >The seismic shadow zone is the rea of the Earth’s surface where seismographs cannot detect an earthquake after the waves have passed through the earth
  • P waves are refracted by the liquid outer core and are not detected between 104° and 140°
  • S waves cannot pass through the liquid outer core and are not detected beyond 104°
  • This information led scientists in the early 1900s to deduce a liquid outer core
  • Suppose we substitute the term dickheads for scientists and reanalyse it?
  • Suppose we substitute the term dickheads for scientists and reanalyse it according to the latitude?

Watch out for tornadoes when that Canadian Low turns into an anticyclone (High.) I think anticyclones that hold tornadoes tend to produce very stong weather even derechos.

What is the ratio of tornadoes to Semru?

I am sure that is the ratio to derechos or its something along those lines.

The King of the NorthandSouth

A Confession

A long time ago I was hit with the sort of madness that affected Nebuchadnezzar the King of Babylon, that Jehovah God took to his heart -which brings me to the Theatre of the Macabre.

A funny thing happened on the way past the Scott Adams show:

I have no idea how long this link will last, assume not long!

I am one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, long ago a couple of witches took my son away from me and I decided to kill one of them, then I realised it would not solve my problem, which was my anger with God. I realised that I had to forgive the bitches but I did not want to do that. A little while ago I decided I am getting too old to hate all this shit, so I bit the bullet. This is what I decided:

Climate the stare way to heaving, or how to deal with drone thievery.

The best advice is to be too poor to rob. But the other side of the coin is being too rich to rob. Which means the Big Man in the Corner approach:

You wait to find whodunnit and you take the whole sweep of them out, so that they don’t complain.

I am not going to suggest how to do that because it means total warfare. Sometimes it is just easier to pay the Richman Tax.

However it leads to the connundrum about who really is the King of the North and who is the King of the South …and I have skin in that game. There is no one answer. It is the same puzzle as the question about The Disgusting Thing that causes desolation.

See it and run.

That is the answer but not many people are too poor not to hang around for reasons…

Too on the nose?


If it is artificial, let the weeds grow. Later you can pay someone to deal with the weeds: Later, that is why you have money. There is no other reason to be rich. Later, when the money is gone you have no reason to worry.

That is a double whammy as the only ones with a reason to worry are the ones who have all the stuff they stole. And guess who is looking at them?

Like Judas, they have more silver than they want but they can’t give it away. If you are not Judas, it is funny. If you are Judas, not so much.

But hey, you can shout: “Nigga!”

Dumb dumb dumb dumb, dumb dumb dumb, dumb dumb dumb.

They are buying a stairway to heaving.

I really would like to be uninvolved, the problem is that this is my approach to the Preaching of the GoodNews that is designed to wake people from the matrix. The good news is that once I preach, I am off the hook.


I have no idea who the The King of the North and The King of the South are. I hope it doesn’t matter. I hope it doesn’t matter in the same way that I don’t know who Babylon the Great is. I am content to know they are going to be hung out to dry if the birds leave them.

What if instead of being the war between Russia and AngloAmerica it is the war between President Trump and President Biden?

What’s the difference, I have no idea. Didn’t I just say that?

Purdue: assigned to extreme hazard, also college, also makers of problematic substances.

En purdu not going into detail, that is not my detail. To me, the word conjours wet bat disease. Both Kings end in oblivion. I suppose it may matter how they get there. Biden is a traitor always was a snake and a potato.

President Trump is more heroic. Also it sounds like he was badly affected by the truth about 9/11. Knowing who to ask about that, he got answers, I presume from both the US military and the Jehovah’s Witnesses. From what he said recently, about not needing to vote if you are a Christian, that latter affected him to some extent.

It is not for me to say anything more. I do not know anymore and it is none of my business.

What Hath God Wrought?

Problem with Vivaldi is the data was not presented. I never thought to hit: “Control-“.


Life oh, life… Oh.. what does it mean

Life oh, life… Well,

Oh, what does it mean

Australian citizen free from prison after

Oh.. what does that mean?

Five.. five years behind bars means ten in the UK

Apart plea deal with the US Justice.

Oh.. What does that mean?

Seven year home of Journalist Julian Assange

Alone at London’s Stansted Airport

That’s twelve older but still alive

Serving like Peter where he did not want to go

Life, oh life.. Northern Mariana Islands

Guilty of Espionage Oh.. in USA

I wonder how long he’s got before the lunatics get him but for now, I’d like to know how much the Columbia Embassy held out for. Oh.. Oh.. Oh.. oh.

SCOTUS ruled that juries must unanimously agree on determining what crimes were committed before issuing a verdict.

Oh to be in USA there is no justice there. Imagine a bloke getting to be a President of the USA then being arrested, charged judged and found guilty before it was revealed what crime he committed.

I don’t believe the British want them back, Maybe after Trump has had a second go at them. They must get rid of the liberals first though.

As for the rest I found the lost data, no thanks to Vivaldi. Mostly my fault but I had to find another website before I realised what I had done. At least it gave me a chance to think about reintroducing another go around.

With the print screen you can see that the places were captured and for some reason the website has dropped the column or colums.

2011-11-2900:30:29.120Z-1.602-15.45105.9mwwnorth of Ascension Island
2011-11-2812:26:45.450Z-5.48153.733256.1mwwNew Ireland region, Papua New Guinea
2011-11-2809:13:11.340Z-7.019116.983616.55.8mwwBali Sea
2011-11-2410:25:34.030Z41.898142.639386.2mwwHokkaido, Japan region
2011-11-2319:24:31.470Z37.365141.368346.1mwwnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-11-2312:17:51.280Z34.28525.083105.5mwcCrete, Greece
2011-11-2218:48:16.300Z-15.364-65.09549.96.6mwwBeni, Bolivia
2011-11-2016:31:38.710Z-2.952142.138105.7mwbnear the north coast of New Guinea, Papua New Guinea
2011-11-1918:06:24.300Z53.134-174.135214.95.5mwwAndreanof Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska
2011-11-1807:51:24.660Z-37.806179.418125.8mwwoff the east coast of the North Island of New Zealand
2011-11-1806:00:53.970Z33.704-38.495105.7mwcnorthern Mid-Atlantic Ridge
2011-11-1804:34:03.020Z-37.423179.989335.6mwwoff the east coast of the North Island of New Zealand
2011-11-1713:30:58.910Z13.973-91.718345.8mwwoffshore Guatemala
2011-11-1706:52:41.330Z8.415-103.158105.6mwcnorthern East Pacific Rise
2011-11-1701:57:05.730Z-1.702-81.54626.66mwwoff the coast of Ecuador
2011-11-1523:42:29.290Z-5.28140.311125.7mwwPapua, Indonesia
2011-11-1510:43:51.850Z-0.095121.914276.25.7mwwSulawesi, Indonesia
2011-11-1507:56:02.230Z-7.482127.8491665.5mwwKepulauan Barat Daya, Indonesia
2011-11-1404:05:11.390Z-0.949126.91176.3mwwMolucca Sea
2011-11-1122:50:40.740Z-55.707-124.327105.6mwcsouthern East Pacific Rise
2011-11-1110:41:37.480Z-55.981-124.439106mwwsouthern East Pacific Rise
2011-11-0921:52:20.480Z10.542146.09510.55.7mwwsouth of the Mariana Islands
2011-11-0919:23:33.240Z38.42943.22955.6mwweastern Turkey
2011-11-0802:59:08.510Z27.324125.621224.96.9mwwnortheast of Taiwan
2011-11-0716:51:25.100Z-63.245170.7355.55.8mwwBalleny Islands region
2011-11-0711:59:31.440Z36.50271.102212.15.6mwbHindu Kush region, Afghanistan
2011-11-0608:08:13.270Z54.12-162.54923.25.7mwwAlaska Peninsula
2011-11-0507:13:57.990Z-23.468-70.199335.7mwwAntofagasta, Chile
2011-11-0214:59:27.940Z-55.294-128.843106.1mwwPacific-Antarctic Ridge
2011-11-0112:32:00.430Z19.831-109.205106.3mwwRevilla Gigedo Islands region
2011-11-0100:21:28.090Z43.64882.437285.6mwwnorthern Xinjiang, China
2011-10-3107:16:21.610Z52.366177.9321595.8mwwRat Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska
2011-10-3104:45:43.830Z-23.346-114.963105.5mwcEaster Island region
2011-10-3018:53:43.000Z-25.741-70.95947.15.7mwbnear the coast of Antofagasta, Chile
2011-10-3011:52:27.420Z-3.249101.345365.6mwbsouthern Sumatra, Indonesia
2011-10-3003:23:46.000Z25.372122.866224.25.7mwbTaiwan region
2011-10-2823:46:01.720Z-14.512-75.844105.6mwcnear the coast of central Peru
2011-10-2819:01:02.330Z-14.379-75.99822.35.6mbnear the coast of central Peru
2011-10-2818:54:34.040Z-14.438-75.966246.9mwwnear the coast of central Peru
2011-10-2700:15:24.520Z-17.941-179.531602.96mwwFiji region
2011-10-2514:55:08.240Z38.81143.623145.6mwweastern Turkey
2011-10-2503:24:49.630Z52.159-171.826385.7mwwFox Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska
2011-10-2320:45:34.860Z38.63443.07755.9mwweastern Turkey
2011-10-2311:32:41.220Z38.80943.355.7mbeastern Turkey
2011-10-2310:56:49.000Z38.81443.44655.6mbeastern Turkey
2011-10-2310:48:17.420Z38.75143.59595.6mbeastern Turkey
2011-10-2310:41:23.250Z38.72143.508187.1mwweastern Turkey
2011-10-2117:57:16.100Z-28.993-176.238337.4mwwKermadec Islands region
2011-10-2108:02:37.950Z43.892142.4791876.1mwwHokkaido, Japan region
2011-10-1805:05:06.250Z-5.785151.037266.1mwwNew Britain region, Papua New Guinea
2011-10-1522:24:49.330Z-25.788-177.455147.75.5mwcsouth of the Fiji Islands
2011-10-1406:10:14.600Z54.08123.722126mwwAmurskaya Oblast’, Russia
2011-10-1403:35:14.810Z-6.57147.881376.5mwweastern New Guinea region, Papua New Guinea
2011-10-1304:14:00.510Z43.462-127.13520.65.6mwcoff the coast of Oregon
2011-10-1303:16:30.160Z-9.35114.587396.1mwwsouth of Bali, Indonesia
2011-10-1113:05:49.030Z-2.247138.83827.25.7mwwPapua, Indonesia
2011-10-1005:18:10.560Z-25.459-116.219105.5mwcsouthern East Pacific Rise
2011-10-1002:45:57.860Z37.547141.257465.6mwwnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-10-0918:01:47.820Z-50.076-115.958105.5mwcsouthern East Pacific Rise
2011-10-0805:38:54.980Z-4.694134.13710.15.7mwwnear the south coast of Papua, Indonesia
2011-10-0708:58:28.910Z-32.514-179.038366.1mwwsouth of the Kermadec Islands
2011-10-0706:30:19.620Z-22.212171.222118.65.6mwcsoutheast of the Loyalty Islands
2011-10-0611:12:30.070Z-24.178-64.219155.9mwwJujuy, Argentina
2011-10-0607:37:01.420Z9.7138.245205.8mwwState of Yap, Federated States of Micronesia
2011-10-0600:39:32.850Z57.89-32.492105.5mwwReykjanes Ridge
2011-10-0401:37:29.130Z26.768140.429455.95.6mwwBonin Islands, Japan region
2011-10-0110:54:29.760Z-48.978164.542105.6mwboff the west coast of the South Island of New Zealand
2011-09-2822:40:12.860Z-37.952-73.853105.6mwboffshore Bio-Bio, Chile
2011-09-2319:02:48.240Z-9.051-109.44105.9mwwcentral East Pacific Rise
2011-09-2203:22:36.070Z39.78538.84255.5mwbeastern Turkey
2011-09-2002:40:22.690Z-4.532-105.207105.7mwccentral East Pacific Rise
2011-09-1908:14:14.760Z52.037-171.982315.6mwwFox Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska
2011-09-1812:40:51.830Z27.7388.155506.9mwwSikkim, India
2011-09-1807:04:18.070Z39.845143.052105.6mwwoff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-09-1707:34:27.690Z40.265142.657305.7mwcnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-09-1622:40:46.930Z40.242143.14537.75.7mwcoff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-09-1621:36:38.590Z40.077143.1540.75.8mwcoff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-09-1621:08:05.330Z40.239143.008185.9mwwoff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-09-1620:11:16.090Z40.235143.24355.7mwcoff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-09-1619:26:40.260Z40.273142.779306.7mwcnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-09-1519:31:04.080Z-21.611-179.528644.67.3mwwFiji region
2011-09-1511:59:52.770Z-14.956-177.957378.45.5mwwFiji region
2011-09-1508:00:09.640Z36.256141.338286.1mwwnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-09-1507:53:18.630Z-35.366-179.039106.1mwweast of the North Island of New Zealand
2011-09-1418:10:09.000Z53.107172.984156mwwNear Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska
2011-09-1413:36:34.120Z-35.111-178.991135.7mwceast of the North Island of New Zealand
2011-09-1407:03:51.000Z-32.696-71.797375.8mwwoffshore Valparaiso, Chile
2011-09-1304:49:35.000Z5.617-77.471105.7mwbnear the west coast of Colombia
2011-09-1222:44:28.080Z-3.626144.178145.9mwwnear the north coast of New Guinea, Papua New Guinea
2011-09-0919:41:34.150Z49.535-126.893226.4mwwVancouver Island, Canada region
2011-09-0919:26:01.040Z-49.586164.007105.9mwwAuckland Islands, New Zealand region
2011-09-0707:55:32.660Z-27.771-178.461252.15.5mwcKermadec Islands region
2011-09-0517:55:11.220Z2.96597.893916.7mwwnorthern Sumatra, Indonesia
2011-09-0511:21:36.940Z6.564-82.35824.75.8mwwsouth of Panama
2011-09-0316:20:41.000Z-38.435-74.907125.8mwwoff the coast of Araucania, Chile
2011-09-0304:48:57.310Z-56.451-26.847846.4mwwSouth Sandwich Islands region
2011-09-0301:06:53.780Z-12.781166.79855.8mwwSanta Cruz Islands
2011-09-0213:47:09.620Z-28.398-63.029578.96.7mwwSantiago Del Estero, Argentina
2011-09-0210:55:53.590Z52.171-171.708326.9mwwFox Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska
2011-09-0106:14:38.870Z-12.36166.656416mwwSanta Cruz Islands
2011-08-3112:17:27.010Z43.589-28.902105.5mwwnorthern Mid-Atlantic Ridge
2011-08-3110:46:49.470Z-5.907153.27835.95.6mwwNew Ireland region, Papua New Guinea
2011-08-3006:57:41.610Z-6.362126.752469.86.9mwwBanda Sea
2011-08-2810:10:19.490Z-24.535-115.945105.6mwcsouthern East Pacific Rise
2011-08-2720:31:53.300Z-24.593179.924508.75.7mwcsouth of the Fiji Islands
2011-08-2417:46:11.650Z-7.641-74.5251477mwwnorthern Peru
2011-08-2220:12:20.950Z-6.282104.054296.1mwwSunda Strait, Indonesia
2011-08-2211:23:35.250Z36.083141.688125.9mwwnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-08-2209:38:37.310Z-29.026-176.676105.7mwcKermadec Islands region
2011-08-2113:04:08.160Z-5.57151.024405.8mwwNew Britain region, Papua New Guinea
2011-08-2112:38:53.780Z-56.428-27.494130.45.6mwcSouth Sandwich Islands region
2011-08-2010:27:17.320Z-15.878-179.451105.5mwcFiji region
2011-08-2001:24:59.960Z-22.504-174.944105.6mwcTonga region
2011-08-1905:36:33.040Z37.671141.652476.2mwwnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-08-1903:54:26.780Z-16.522-177.004407.96.2mwwFiji region
2011-08-1711:44:08.370Z36.765143.7796.1mwwoff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-08-1620:24:03.670Z-57.229-25.45244.35.7mwwSouth Sandwich Islands region
2011-08-1617:33:07.620Z-5.557147.144186.45.6mwbeastern New Guinea region, Papua New Guinea
2011-08-1611:03:56.430Z-2.323128.011266.1mwwCeram Sea, Indonesia
2011-08-1401:29:39.340Z-1.337-14.653105.6mwbnorth of Ascension Island
2011-08-1307:33:06.120Z14.394-94.67465.8mwwoff the coast of Chiapas, Mexico
2011-08-1307:14:47.590Z-30.551-177.932105.5mwcKermadec Islands, New Zealand
2011-08-1203:15:09.130Z-21.805-177.021218.85.5mwwFiji region
2011-08-1118:22:04.920Z37.034140.893445.8mwweastern Honshu, Japan
2011-08-1110:06:29.350Z39.95577.028105.6mwwsouthern Xinjiang, China
2011-08-1101:13:41.240Z-24.799179.919496.85.7mwcsouth of the Fiji Islands
2011-08-1023:45:43.040Z-7.04-12.618106mwwAscension Island region
2011-08-0823:53:23.150Z-11.11162.33923.25.6mwcSolomon Islands
2011-08-0706:22:34.420Z-11.791168.308403.45.6mwwSanta Cruz Islands region
2011-08-0613:22:34.000Z-35.884-73.33431.95.5mwcoffshore Bio-Bio, Chile
2011-08-0516:08:45.580Z-29.989-176.728105.7mwcKermadec Islands region
2011-08-0413:51:34.560Z48.833154.769366.1mwwKuril Islands
2011-08-0400:16:07.470Z-2.837101.09355.8mwwsouthern Sumatra, Indonesia
2011-08-0322:39:23.010Z-5.045148.161105.7mwwNew Britain region, Papua New Guinea
2011-08-0219:18:46.840Z-23.983179.007528.95.7mwwsouth of the Fiji Islands
2011-08-0118:20:05.030Z51.792-171.26741.25.6mwcFox Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska
2011-08-0114:58:09.060Z34.631138.433135.9mwwnear the south coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-08-0113:44:47.300Z39.837142.083405.7mwwnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-07-3123:38:56.610Z-3.518144.828106.6mwwnear the north coast of New Guinea, Papua New Guinea
2011-07-3117:35:57.870Z41.795142.82632.45.5mbHokkaido, Japan region
2011-07-3114:34:47.320Z-17.016171.579106.1mwwVanuatu region
2011-07-3018:53:50.720Z36.942140.955386.3mwwnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-07-3017:48:51.990Z12.899143.234122.45.5mwwGuam region
2011-07-2907:42:23.400Z-23.801179.7515326.7mwwsouth of the Fiji Islands
2011-07-2819:50:20.060Z-35.77-73.116355.7mwwoffshore Maule, Chile
2011-07-2809:01:39.030Z40.344143.23630.95.6mwwoff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-07-2723:00:29.670Z10.799-43.39165.9mwwnorthern Mid-Atlantic Ridge
2011-07-2617:44:20.380Z25.101-109.525126mwwGulf of California
2011-07-2614:26:22.870Z-9.2367.113105.8mwwMid-Indian Ridge
2011-07-2606:17:37.480Z52.99159.794335.6mwwoff the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia
2011-07-2517:15:40.810Z14.947120.043355.9mwwLuzon, Philippines
2011-07-2511:54:54.080Z35.273140.933465.6mwcnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-07-2500:50:47.590Z-3.182150.611106.3mwwNew Ireland region, Papua New Guinea
2011-07-2418:51:25.070Z37.73141.39406.3mwwnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-07-2316:34:41.820Z13.107145.253145.5mwbGuam region
2011-07-2306:28:34.630Z54.695-161.14822.85.7mwcAlaska Peninsula
2011-07-2304:34:24.180Z38.898141.815416.3mwwnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-07-2302:56:51.350Z-29.335-69.705103.45.5mwbSan Juan, Argentina
2011-07-2206:56:40.860Z-20.325-178.595612.15.9mwwFiji region
2011-07-2123:01:42.510Z-62.496164.452106mwwBalleny Islands region
2011-07-2022:04:59.320Z-10.34162.01216mwwSolomon Islands
2011-07-1907:15:55.580Z-23.72179.03566.25.5mwcsouth of the Fiji Islands
2011-07-1822:38:38.980Z51.28178.944195.8mwwRat Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska
2011-07-1818:15:24.930Z52.801152.9444945.5mwcnorthwest of the Kuril Islands
2011-07-1619:59:12.890Z54.787-161.29366.1mwwAlaska Peninsula
2011-07-1617:06:39.030Z-7.089127.5852495.9mwwKepulauan Barat Daya, Indonesia
2011-07-1607:03:32.560Z-22.434-174.99965.8mwwTonga region
2011-07-1600:26:12.640Z-33.819-71.832206mwwoffshore Valparaiso, Chile
2011-07-1513:26:02.950Z-60.762-23.523106.1mwwSouth Sandwich Islands region
2011-07-1512:01:12.200Z36.128139.8588.75.5mwceastern Honshu, Japan
2011-07-1408:52:31.570Z-38.237-93.772105.5mwcWest Chile Rise
2011-07-1221:06:13.620Z-6.055130.492131.45.6mwwBanda Sea
2011-07-1220:11:01.260Z10.648-85.2105.5mwcCosta Rica
2011-07-1120:47:04.300Z9.509122.175196.4mwwNegros, Philippines
2011-07-1115:51:23.500Z-49.928-114.076105.7mwcsouthern East Pacific Rise
2011-07-1110:48:32.960Z-22.68-174.74621.15.6mwwTonga region
2011-07-1108:53:58.070Z-4.061121.694355.5mwcSulawesi, Indonesia
2011-07-1107:15:43.780Z-29.487-176.579115.9mwwKermadec Islands region
2011-07-1018:47:15.690Z-15.418-176.083105.7mwcFiji region
2011-07-1000:57:10.800Z38.034143.264237mwwoff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-07-0919:35:18.750Z-29.436-177.00715.26mwwKermadec Islands, New Zealand
2011-07-0915:02:27.240Z-29.337-177.051146mwwKermadec Islands, New Zealand
2011-07-0913:54:23.570Z-29.39-177.12195.9mwwKermadec Islands, New Zealand
2011-07-0905:51:38.540Z-4.137129.396215.5mwbBanda Sea
2011-07-0805:53:03.810Z0.961-26.419105.6mwccentral Mid-Atlantic Ridge
2011-07-0718:35:40.740Z37.125140.869355.5mwweastern Honshu, Japan
2011-07-0709:29:59.560Z-29.153-176.94230.85.8mwcKermadec Islands region
2011-07-0709:10:50.240Z-28.978-176.711105.7mwcKermadec Islands region
2011-07-0704:40:15.060Z-29.889-176.338125.5mwcKermadec Islands region
2011-07-0620:35:38.860Z-29.565-176.249105.6mbKermadec Islands region
2011-07-0619:03:18.260Z-29.539-176.34177.6mwwKermadec Islands region
2011-07-0615:14:59.030Z36.372141.618105.7mwwnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-07-0519:02:38.790Z-14.811-176.02524.85.7mwcFiji region
2011-07-0503:36:25.150Z-38.674175.75152.35.5mwcNorth Island of New Zealand
2011-07-0306:34:36.870Z12.326-87.62365.7mwwnear the coast of Nicaragua
2011-07-0116:25:48.580Z-6.626147.85355.6mwweastern New Guinea region, Papua New Guinea
2011-07-0113:18:47.830Z13.091146.577225.6mwwMariana Islands region
2011-06-3009:47:09.050Z-23.566-175.884355.5mwcTonga region
2011-06-3009:09:18.260Z-23.535-175.849355.7mwwTonga region
2011-06-3004:30:54.110Z-23.483-175.913355.6mwwTonga region
2011-06-2905:36:46.000Z-33.906-72.34119.75.5mwcoffshore Libertador O’Higgins, Chile
2011-06-2806:48:32.510Z52.087-171.702305.8mwwFox Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska
2011-06-2723:27:33.500Z52.003-171.762295.8mwwFox Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska
2011-06-2716:47:14.290Z-8.926122.471119.75.5mwwFlores region, Indonesia
2011-06-2612:19:16.690Z-2.412136.65718.85.6mbnear the north coast of Papua, Indonesia
2011-06-2612:16:38.600Z-2.384136.631176.3mwwnear the north coast of Papua, Indonesia
2011-06-2609:19:48.080Z18.863146.27999.45.5mwbPagan region, Northern Mariana Islands
2011-06-2521:16:55.480Z-24.512179.37527.95.6mwwsouth of the Fiji Islands
2011-06-2417:39:27.210Z42.049142.55358.15.5mwbHokkaido, Japan region
2011-06-2406:33:07.850Z-10.925165.93172.16.1mwcSanta Cruz Islands
2011-06-2403:09:39.470Z52.05-171.836527.3mwwFox Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska
2011-06-2221:50:52.350Z39.955142.205336.7mwwnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-06-2214:28:59.170Z40.046142.77742.75.7mwcnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-06-2102:04:15.940Z-11.479165.551146mwwSanta Cruz Islands
2011-06-2016:36:01.160Z-21.701-68.2281286.4mwwAntofagasta, Chile
2011-06-1911:05:29.560Z-54.889-129.493105.5mwcPacific-Antarctic Ridge
2011-06-1900:20:03.800Z-5.963-80.976105.5mwbnear the coast of northern Peru
2011-06-1817:30:19.520Z14.021-91.64325.5mwwoffshore Guatemala
2011-06-1811:31:05.880Z37.664141.664205.7mwwnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-06-1709:16:12.570Z13.30341.732105.6mwbEritrea – Ethiopia region
2011-06-1600:03:35.790Z-5.928151.04166.4mwwNew Britain region, Papua New Guinea
2011-06-1501:05:30.700Z27.78457.766345.5mwcsouthern Iran
2011-06-1413:06:52.190Z37.727143.512145.7mwwoff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-06-1403:01:29.790Z1.84499.109225.6mwwnorthern Sumatra, Indonesia
2011-06-1400:08:32.490Z1.83199.225175.5mwwnorthern Sumatra, Indonesia
2011-06-1314:31:22.990Z2.515126.45761.16.3mwwMolucca Sea
2011-06-1302:20:49.330Z-43.564172.7436.15.9mwwSouth Island of New Zealand
2011-06-1220:32:40.490Z13.41441.735105.6mwwEritrea – Ethiopia region
2011-06-0920:16:28.330Z-30.42-178.05530.75.6mwwKermadec Islands, New Zealand
2011-06-0815:40:15.100Z-4.571149.936511.45.5mwcBismarck Sea
2011-06-0803:06:22.650Z-17.083-69.518145.75.9mwwPeru-Bolivia border region
2011-06-0705:18:32.430Z-44.176-16.039105.6mwcsouthern Mid-Atlantic Ridge
2011-06-0516:35:04.290Z-15.115-177.88612.65.9mwwFiji region
2011-06-0511:51:12.010Z-55.843146.6236.4mwwwest of Macquarie Island
2011-06-0316:00:15.030Z37.067140.912175.5mwweastern Honshu, Japan
2011-06-0307:27:11.820Z9.63592.459455.5mwwNicobar Islands, India region
2011-06-0300:05:00.830Z37.285143.907146.1mwwoff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-06-0112:55:22.380Z-37.578-73.691216.3mwwoffshore Bio-Bio, Chile
2011-05-2918:24:01.200Z-7.715101.757135.9mwwsouthwest of Sumatra, Indonesia
2011-05-2818:37:34.480Z-27.261-178.523306.65.5mwcKermadec Islands region
2011-05-2818:35:52.510Z-27.466-178.531307.45.5mwcKermadec Islands region
2011-05-2817:07:41.080Z-5.704103.493325.7mwwsouthern Sumatra, Indonesia
2011-05-2417:43:24.070Z52.596-173.256137.65.5mwwAndreanof Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska
2011-05-2403:40:51.300Z39.709143.247165.8mwwoff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-05-2216:42:24.480Z13.595120.754148.65.7mwwMindoro, Philippines
2011-05-2214:46:11.670Z37.601143.48828.65.6mwboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-05-2122:06:26.390Z35.597140.492375.6mwwnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-05-2121:17:02.360Z-30.822-178.17345.9mwwKermadec Islands, New Zealand
2011-05-2100:16:25.560Z-56.074-27.11485.9mwwSouth Sandwich Islands region
2011-05-2019:43:16.170Z-7.192146.90975.7mwweastern New Guinea region, Papua New Guinea
2011-05-2000:46:16.950Z35.761140.843295.8mwwnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-05-1920:15:22.940Z39.14929.10375.8mwwwestern Turkey
2011-05-1818:51:26.580Z-6.628147.89352.95.5mwceastern New Guinea region, Papua New Guinea
2011-05-1817:42:35.650Z55.521163.84614.25.5mwwoff the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia
2011-05-1700:14:57.650Z-9.203112.585285.7mwwsouth of Java, Indonesia
2011-05-1523:25:06.190Z-6.861155.061355.5mwwBougainville region, Papua New Guinea
2011-05-1518:37:10.370Z-6.104154.414406.4mwwBougainville region, Papua New Guinea
2011-05-1513:08:13.060Z0.569-25.647106.1mwwcentral Mid-Atlantic Ridge
2011-05-1421:07:22.160Z36.40970.748207.35.9mwwHindu Kush region, Afghanistan
2011-05-1323:35:52.860Z37.396141.341356.1mwwnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-05-1322:47:54.000Z9.954-84.31372.85.9mwwCosta Rica
2011-05-1303:36:50.490Z-59.438-151.353105.7mwcPacific-Antarctic Ridge
2011-05-1301:04:36.760Z12.434143.9875.85.5mwwGuam region
2011-05-1108:19:33.480Z-20.298168.349105.6mwwLoyalty Islands, New Caledonia
2011-05-1016:45:45.110Z-4.702-105.515105.5mwccentral East Pacific Rise
2011-05-1015:26:04.610Z43.292130.938544.65.7mwcJilin-Heilongjiang border region, China
2011-05-1015:05:22.180Z-4.742-105.594105.5mwccentral East Pacific Rise
2011-05-1010:44:07.400Z-20.311168.451105.5mbLoyalty Islands, New Caledonia
2011-05-1010:24:17.470Z-20.272168.397105.9mwcLoyalty Islands, New Caledonia
2011-05-1008:55:08.930Z-20.244168.226116.8mwwLoyalty Islands, New Caledonia
2011-05-0920:15:53.560Z37.739143.536115.6mwcoff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-05-0919:13:25.920Z5.343126.41528.85.7mwcMindanao, Philippines
2011-05-0918:54:43.730Z-56.65147.41195.9mwwwest of Macquarie Island
2011-05-0720:52:20.760Z40.239142.243355.7mwbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-05-0606:46:23.470Z-0.065122.948825.5mwwSulawesi, Indonesia
2011-05-0523:21:22.100Z26.124128.398105.5mwwRyukyu Islands, Japan
2011-05-0516:57:36.610Z55.019-160.688365.8mwwAlaska Peninsula
2011-05-0516:15:25.120Z-25.192-177.552184.75.6mwcsouth of the Fiji Islands
2011-05-0514:58:18.680Z38.17144.032116mwwoff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-05-0514:13:01.580Z55.094-160.538395.7mwwAlaska Peninsula
2011-05-0513:24:07.840Z16.784-98.618245.7mwwGuerrero, Mexico
2011-05-0417:38:37.620Z-4.893101.848265.6mwwsouthern Sumatra, Indonesia
2011-05-0416:13:28.580Z-20.396-178.548583.65.5mwwFiji region
2011-05-0116:12:41.350Z-6.947155.86465.8mwwBougainville region, Papua New Guinea
2011-04-3008:19:16.710Z6.854-82.33126.1mwwsouth of Panama
2011-04-3005:45:35.040Z-3.262148.62585.7mwwBismarck Sea
2011-04-2813:07:43.850Z10.129-103.614105.8mwwnorthern East Pacific Rise
2011-04-2809:27:47.230Z37.455141.653385.5mwwnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-04-2807:42:34.860Z-9.973160.492115.7mwwSolomon Islands
2011-04-2611:07:27.040Z16.851-99.471115.5mwbGuerrero, Mexico
2011-04-2610:43:07.530Z-13.384-111.298105.5mwccentral East Pacific Rise
2011-04-2606:39:36.520Z-8.081108.47795.45.6mwwJava, Indonesia
2011-04-2423:07:51.490Z-4.586122.77186.1mwwSulawesi, Indonesia
2011-04-2422:44:15.800Z-35.42-16.958105.6mwwsouthern Mid-Atlantic Ridge
2011-04-2421:09:32.690Z-35.704-16.994105.6mwwsouthern Mid-Atlantic Ridge
2011-04-2310:12:46.980Z39.097142.87315.9mwwnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-04-2304:16:54.720Z-10.375161.2796.8mwwSolomon Islands
2011-04-2217:14:51.160Z-22.805-174.59222.35.5mwcTonga region
2011-04-2205:12:48.000Z-37.905-73.90319.25.6mwboffshore Bio-Bio, Chile
2011-04-2116:11:18.450Z37.553141.21955.65.6mwwnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-04-2113:37:03.340Z35.579140.305436.2mwwnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-04-2101:54:41.580Z40.306143.628115.8mwwoff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-04-2100:39:03.210Z40.341143.549105.7mwwoff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-04-1813:03:02.730Z-34.336179.874866.6mwwsouth of the Kermadec Islands
2011-04-1701:58:49.310Z-27.596-63.201556.75.7mwwSantiago Del Estero, Argentina
2011-04-1620:36:46.320Z36.878143.91715.15.5mwboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-04-1602:19:30.790Z36.378139.653775.8mwweastern Honshu, Japan
2011-04-1601:11:10.380Z25.435123.8971315.7mwwnortheast of Taiwan
2011-04-1420:50:15.080Z11.237-86.337225.7mwwnear the coast of Nicaragua
2011-04-1406:08:47.340Z35.56141.881105.7mwwnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-04-1405:45:17.300Z-33.049-178.52618.65.5mwbsouth of the Kermadec Islands
2011-04-1320:32:21.420Z39.619143.19118.55.5mwcoff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-04-1319:57:25.420Z39.583143.34226mwwoff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-04-1219:37:48.290Z39.368141.895455.6mwweastern Honshu, Japan
2011-04-1205:07:41.860Z37.107140.368115.9mwweastern Honshu, Japan
2011-04-1123:08:16.870Z35.417140.575156.2mwwnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-04-1122:26:20.030Z36.809138.28417.15.5mwceastern Honshu, Japan
2011-04-1111:42:35.130Z36.98140.356105.5mwrnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-04-1108:16:50.910Z37.791140.812105.8mbeastern Honshu, Japan
2011-04-1108:16:12.730Z37.001140.401116.6mwweastern Honshu, Japan
2011-04-0912:57:47.820Z29.999131.78115.9mwwsoutheast of the Ryukyu Islands, Japan
2011-04-0720:41:51.470Z17.107-85.07875.8mwwnorth of Honduras
2011-04-0714:32:43.290Z38.276141.588427.1mwwnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-04-0713:11:22.400Z17.208-94.338166.26.6mwwVeracruz, Mexico
2011-04-0614:01:42.560Z1.61297.086206mwwNias region, Indonesia
2011-04-0511:14:15.340Z3.029126.94205.9mwwKepulauan Talaud, Indonesia
2011-04-0504:10:07.190Z-17.662-178.595552.45.8mwbFiji region
2011-04-0320:06:40.390Z-9.848107.693146.7mwwsouth of Java, Indonesia
2011-04-0314:07:09.330Z-17.642-178.585551.76.4mwwFiji region
2011-04-0210:59:40.380Z-19.543-69.0141105.9mwwTarapaca, Chile
2011-04-0206:05:00.730Z-5.574153.964555.5mwbNew Ireland region, Papua New Guinea
2011-04-0117:03:46.390Z40.282143.20920.55.5mwboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-04-0113:29:10.690Z35.66226.5659.96mwwCrete, Greece
2011-04-0111:57:54.390Z39.323141.95415.9mwweastern Honshu, Japan
2011-03-3107:15:30.190Z38.922141.821426mwwnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-3100:11:58.300Z-16.541-177.51715.56.3mwwFiji region
2011-03-3005:29:52.520Z36.143142.464115.7mwwoff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-2916:35:49.290Z39.591143.45525.35.5mwboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-2910:54:33.200Z37.401142.29156.1mwwoff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-2722:23:58.800Z38.415142.011196.2mwwnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-2706:20:56.010Z14.374-92.347355.6mwwoffshore Chiapas, Mexico
2011-03-2622:49:40.820Z-15.848-179.40566mwwFiji region
2011-03-2511:36:24.490Z38.772141.88396.2mwwnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-2408:21:00.140Z39.079142.084275.8mwwnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-2222:35:00.720Z37.111140.5837.55.5mbeastern Honshu, Japan
2011-03-2222:13:57.200Z37.014140.67940.75.5mbeastern Honshu, Japan
2011-03-2222:12:31.820Z37.065140.638185.5mwbeastern Honshu, Japan
2011-03-2215:03:46.840Z35.787141.567195.6mwcnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-2213:50:51.910Z35.795141.549205.9mwwnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-2213:31:27.650Z-33.096-15.97755.8mwwsouthern Mid-Atlantic Ridge
2011-03-2212:04:08.970Z36.289141.404455.7mwcnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-2212:01:22.420Z36.866143.188105.6mwcoff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-2211:21:39.290Z39.733143.11330.95.6mwcoff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-2209:44:29.330Z39.851143.437136.4mwwoff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-2209:19:06.230Z37.325141.791316.1mwwnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-2207:18:45.380Z37.244144.003116.4mwwoff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-2203:38:35.840Z35.205140.997205.7mwwnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-2110:36:50.060Z13.915120.566101.85.5mwbMindoro, Philippines
2011-03-2109:49:01.580Z36.49170.927190.25.8mwwHindu Kush region, Afghanistan
2011-03-2015:20:28.320Z-31.129-179.8233215.7mwcKermadec Islands region
2011-03-2012:03:46.720Z39.35141.824425.8mwweastern Honshu, Japan
2011-03-2008:26:09.580Z18.994121.246276mwwLuzon, Philippines
2011-03-2005:55:30.890Z37.724141.36357.15.6mwcnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1909:56:47.710Z36.796140.26865.7mwwnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1901:22:44.790Z39.696142.904155.9mwwnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1823:33:01.380Z39.161142.2341.65.5mwbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1803:23:53.830Z37.759143.4886.45.5mwcoff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1718:55:36.930Z37.125142.335265.5mwboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1712:54:52.640Z36.757141.202295.8mwwnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1712:32:04.610Z35.496140.76335.85.5mwbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1706:12:41.550Z37.709143.44316.55.6mwcoff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1704:13:56.780Z40.136142.168296.2mwwnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1622:36:16.000Z-32.564-71.72632.75.5mwcoffshore Valparaiso, Chile
2011-03-1606:29:03.250Z39.887142.019365.7mwwnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1603:52:02.970Z35.747140.71105.7mwwnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1520:29:59.820Z35.209140.99419.45.7mwwnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1515:23:53.850Z40.335143.288186.1mwcoff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1513:31:46.320Z35.272138.58296mwweastern Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1513:27:56.630Z37.576142.237286mwwoff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1511:46:21.020Z40.419142.95935.35.5mwcnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1509:49:52.640Z37.367142.30185.8mwwoff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1417:59:41.080Z37.206142.24520.35.6mwboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1406:12:36.060Z37.785142.456146mwwoff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1401:02:38.560Z36.408140.894115.5mwbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1317:55:21.600Z35.152141.19.65.6mwbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1311:37:30.420Z37.348142.394175.7mwwoff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1309:52:30.970Z38.849141.858335.6mwbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1307:56:42.520Z39.642143.181135.7mwboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1302:23:34.520Z36.344142.34410.15.8mwcoff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1301:26:04.250Z35.723141.63786.1mwwnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1223:24:48.780Z38.047141.72156.1mwbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1222:12:46.270Z37.681141.889165.8mwwnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1217:19:23.850Z36.517142.482105.8mwboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1214:43:10.850Z39.465142.405355.8mwcnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1214:03:31.310Z38.791142.549355.6mwcnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1213:25:59.840Z25.209-109.8212.65.6mwcGulf of California
2011-03-1213:15:41.650Z37.249141.159386.1mwwnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1212:53:52.100Z37.734143.50634.15.9mwcoff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1210:53:30.780Z39.049142.279275.7mwbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1209:51:35.310Z-3.84151.453105.6mwcNew Ireland region, Papua New Guinea
2011-03-1206:18:44.570Z39.171142.3353.75.5mwcnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1204:52:57.130Z40.082143.20225.55.7mwcoff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1204:04:49.580Z-3.016139.159.45.5mbPapua, Indonesia
2011-03-1203:11:57.760Z35.952141.34416.75.9mwcnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1203:01:47.410Z39.549142.59819.95.8mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1202:47:33.500Z37.6143.6114.65.9mwcoff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1201:47:15.400Z37.594142.648206.5mwwoff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1201:46:20.540Z37.328141.75432.25.5mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1201:34:09.620Z38.751142.83122.35.8mwcnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1200:45:09.180Z36.112141.768205.5mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1122:51:19.850Z37.834144.82739.35.7mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1120:36:10.270Z37.829142.82825.85.5mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1120:23:41.280Z35.814141.6058.15.7msnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1120:11:24.060Z39.005142.63317.46.1mwcnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1119:46:50.880Z40.483139.055106.2mwcnear the west coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1119:31:56.250Z36.943138.312.45.7mseastern Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1119:24:24.510Z35.685140.6582.25.5mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1119:08:38.730Z36.264140.8849.15.5mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1119:02:59.170Z39.342142.87227.16mwbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1118:59:16.540Z37.014138.3769.36.2mwbnear the west coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1118:17:07.290Z36.22141.62839.55.8mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1118:11:24.660Z37.197142.09615.65.7mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1117:17:23.610Z35.331141.3911.75.5mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1117:16:56.210Z36.999144.1599.35.6msoff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1116:11:30.000Z39.464143.465355.5mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1115:22:27.020Z35.637141.548355.5mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1115:20:08.190Z36.398141.86452.86mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1115:19:38.270Z36.247141.856355.5mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1115:13:14.680Z35.994141.808216.3mwbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1115:07:39.530Z36.332141.5415.15.5mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1114:56:11.930Z35.96141.40310.25.8mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1114:27:57.040Z37.112144.03620.75.5mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1114:00:38.590Z36.123140.76151.35.5mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1113:43:09.590Z38.989144.12625.35.7mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1113:34:30.600Z36.162141.844.75.5mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1113:18:16.630Z37.575142.827355.5mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1113:16:51.500Z36.371141.74357.75.6mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1112:56:05.330Z37.795141.96355.5mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1112:49:02.640Z36.147141.602355.6mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1112:15:45.320Z39.084142.26450.25.8mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1112:12:54.800Z38.055142.548355.9mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1111:58:54.410Z35.752142.08355.6mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1111:56:13.240Z36.267141.52723.15.5mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1111:46:42.500Z36.004141.17117.75.8mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1111:44:28.300Z36.695142.244355.7mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1111:36:40.920Z39.241142.46325.76.6msnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1111:32:27.130Z39.065143.16636.35.8mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1111:32:14.800Z36.238142.396355.7mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1111:21:29.790Z37.547143.073355.8mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1111:21:03.070Z35.684140.933355.7mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1111:16:50.250Z36.628141.80936.65.5mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1111:13:12.980Z36.38141.77825.95.5mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1111:10:58.300Z35.535141.842355.5mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1111:00:52.420Z37.737141.49641.85.6mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1110:45:44.690Z38.417143.75233.35.6mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1110:28:42.690Z39.397143.592205.9mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1110:22:02.630Z36.665142.521105.7mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1110:10:34.220Z39.185142.7626.56mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1109:37:04.610Z35.912141.6015.85.5mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1109:09:14.680Z37.683143.31139.25.5mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1108:52:23.420Z36.77141.924175.5mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1108:46:45.850Z37.416142.45125.85.6mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1108:44:00.140Z36.122140.96647.35.6mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1108:40:56.140Z37.447140.98439.55.9mbeastern Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1108:39:12.960Z37.64142.77146.25.5mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1108:35:22.110Z36.033140.98419.75.6mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1108:33:00.780Z39.14142.96727.66mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1108:31:09.260Z37.469141.17637.36mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1108:27:51.600Z38.017142.65742.86mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1108:26:36.930Z37.367143.017176.1mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1108:19:24.380Z36.166141.5626.86.5mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1108:15:41.850Z37.047144.541416.1mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1108:12:07.260Z36.569141.48639.66.2mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1108:10:29.340Z36.287140.85219.55.6mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1108:04:58.780Z37.593142.20848.95.7mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1108:01:57.000Z36.936142.719.35.9mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1107:59:48.970Z37.012142.780.75.7mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1107:56:15.410Z37.106142.226385.6mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1107:54:45.420Z37.743141.57350.85.7mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1107:44:27.990Z36.195141.81313.85.8mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1107:42:55.650Z36.403141.892355.7mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1107:38:27.600Z39.204142.79338.55.8mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1107:35:52.220Z36.943142.30921.95.7mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1107:33:33.660Z36.323142.71355.7mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1107:30:18.450Z37.442141.19549.26mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1107:29:01.830Z39.031142.34945.46.3mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1107:28:12.360Z36.823141.82428.46.1mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1107:25:36.460Z37.934144.52939.56.1mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1107:23:16.910Z37.454142.09719.65.9mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1107:17:42.760Z37.006142.4066.35.8mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1107:14:58.820Z36.586141.82324.76.3mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1107:13:47.620Z36.103142.358355.9mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1107:10:59.890Z37.879142.68133.75.8mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1107:09:58.330Z36.718141.856355.6mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1107:09:12.050Z36.714141.87428.25.7mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1107:06:45.820Z37.778142.9821.55.6mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1107:05:21.100Z38.442143.615.45.7mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1107:04:16.170Z38.964142.39823.75.8mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1107:03:00.000Z37.924142.80219.15.6mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1107:02:57.260Z39.693142.52941.65.8mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1107:01:11.640Z36.628143.75536.15.7mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1106:59:00.270Z37.357144.72535.96.3mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1106:57:16.510Z35.712140.87547.56mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1106:55:33.600Z37.562142.85539.85.9mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1106:52:28.510Z38.061143.01633.65.5mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1106:49:57.540Z40.668141.60544.95.8mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1106:49:16.610Z37.337144.23747.36.1mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1106:48:45.590Z37.961142.72411.76.2mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1106:46:31.190Z37.956143.24830.65.9mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1106:41:01.450Z39.599141.576355.8mbeastern Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1106:39:39.320Z37.04142.46340.15.5mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1106:38:11.330Z36.094141.66547.25.8mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1106:37:05.580Z37.465142.40452.45.6mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1106:35:20.900Z35.806141.110.35.8mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1106:33:06.070Z36.625141.86739.15.9mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1106:29:15.990Z37.812144.23340.66.1mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1106:25:50.300Z38.058144.5918.67.7mwcoff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1106:23:09.480Z39.03142.28456.36.2mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1106:21:32.700Z38.29142.81351.76.2mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1106:20:04.110Z36.004142.06749.36.5mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1106:18:49.510Z36.023142.269166.6mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1106:15:40.280Z36.281141.11142.67.9mwcnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1106:15:23.120Z37.93143.802356.3mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1106:13:01.040Z37.211141.60140.16.2mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1106:12:36.360Z37.788144.23325.46.2mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1106:11:15.610Z36.109141.69626.65.9mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1106:08:29.660Z38.969143.372.86.7mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1106:07:20.880Z36.419141.87632.36.4mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1106:06:13.170Z39.003142.2942.76.3mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1106:05:02.230Z36.375141.77734.25.8mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1106:03:55.260Z36.469141.8422.65.9mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1106:00:39.300Z38.095142.49240.66.2mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1105:59:31.580Z37.054141.7638.45.9mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1105:58:07.490Z37.623142.15550.76.3mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1105:55:45.480Z37.359143.351356.4mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1105:54:31.940Z37.712141.18432.36.3mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1105:46:24.120Z38.297142.373299mwwnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1100:14:48.330Z-53.21-117.837105.7mwcsouthern East Pacific Rise
2011-03-1017:08:36.860Z-6.873116.72510.66.5mwwBali Sea
2011-03-1008:08:20.560Z38.603143.2717.45.6mwboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1004:58:13.750Z24.72797.957105.5mwcMyanmar-China border region
2011-03-0921:24:49.760Z-5.985149.777296.4mwwNew Britain region, Papua New Guinea
2011-03-0921:24:01.680Z38.296142.808156.5mwcnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-0921:22:17.580Z38.345142.648236mwcnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-0918:44:38.500Z38.503143.16623.85.9mwwoff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-0918:16:16.440Z38.315142.434226mwwnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-0904:37:04.990Z38.665142.99137.85.6mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-0902:58:14.080Z38.246143.102355.7mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-0902:57:16.670Z38.361142.9123.25.7mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-0902:45:20.330Z38.435142.842327.3mwwnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-0700:09:36.450Z-10.349160.766226.3mwwSolomon Islands
2011-03-0614:32:36.080Z-56.422-27.06387.76.5mwwSouth Sandwich Islands region
2011-03-0612:31:59.780Z-18.021-69.3621186.3mwwTarapaca, Chile
2011-03-0404:07:48.620Z-8.933157.236105.6mwwSolomon Islands
2011-03-0315:12:01.430Z9.457125.93549.75.5mwcMindanao, Philippines
2011-03-0218:50:49.410Z8.596-76.85544.25.7mwwnear the north coast of Colombia
2011-03-0100:53:46.340Z-29.701-111.981106mwwEaster Island region
2011-02-2823:42:17.440Z-29.474-112.0619.85.5mwcEaster Island region
2011-02-2811:04:16.490Z-59.233-17.012105.6mwceast of the South Sandwich Islands
2011-02-2807:49:07.000Z34.9825.42535.7mwcCrete, Greece
2011-02-2801:29:25.000Z-37.36-73.69531.55.8mwboffshore Bio-Bio, Chile
2011-02-2602:10:24.180Z-10.622164.89949.25.9mwbSanta Cruz Islands region
2011-02-2513:07:26.500Z17.843-95.007122.75.9mwwVeracruz, Mexico
2011-02-2303:01:36.370Z12.388-87.815415.7mwbnear the coast of Nicaragua
2011-02-2214:09:50.780Z22.11143.842112.85.5mwbVolcano Islands, Japan region
2011-02-2201:50:29.710Z-43.598172.6216.65.6mwrSouth Island of New Zealand
2011-02-2200:04:19.360Z-43.59172.655.95.5mwrSouth Island of New Zealand
2011-02-2123:51:42.350Z-43.583172.685.96.1mwwSouth Island of New Zealand
2011-02-2112:26:32.050Z-10.281161.41569.85.5mwcSolomon Islands
2011-02-2110:57:52.410Z-26.142178.394558.16.5mwwsouth of the Fiji Islands
2011-02-2106:58:36.410Z-27.149-64.68812.75.6mwbSantiago Del Estero, Argentina
2011-02-2021:43:24.150Z55.918162.117336.1mwwnear the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia
2011-02-1804:23:18.580Z-4.614153.15757.75.5mwbNew Ireland region, Papua New Guinea
2011-02-1519:01:03.400Z38.321143.16226.25.5mwboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-02-1513:33:53.180Z-2.497121.48316.26.1mwwSulawesi, Indonesia
2011-02-1403:40:09.920Z-35.38-72.834216.7mwwoffshore Maule, Chile
2011-02-1313:44:36.450Z-36.557-73.27518.95.5mwboffshore Bio-Bio, Chile
2011-02-1310:35:06.740Z-36.649-73.176176mwcoffshore Bio-Bio, Chile
2011-02-1308:51:34.000Z-36.565-73.17820.75.8mwboffshore Bio-Bio, Chile
2011-02-1211:55:24.830Z1.993126.833355.6mwbMolucca Sea
2011-02-1203:03:04.280Z-31.241-177.809105.6mwcKermadec Islands region
2011-02-1202:53:15.100Z0.079-17.018105.7mwcnorth of Ascension Island
2011-02-1201:17:01.410Z-37.027-72.954166.1mwbBio-Bio, Chile
2011-02-1123:39:21.310Z-37.196-73.198155.9mwbBio-Bio, Chile
2011-02-1120:05:30.910Z-36.422-72.96266.9mwwoffshore Bio-Bio, Chile
2011-02-1014:41:58.820Z4.077123.0395256.6mwbCelebes Sea
2011-02-1014:39:27.710Z4.195122.974523.26.5mwwCelebes Sea
2011-02-0719:53:42.910Z-7.154155.1844156.4mwwSolomon Islands
2011-02-0611:21:16.280Z-8.283104.06775.6mwbsouthwest of Sumatra, Indonesia
2011-02-0516:11:39.680Z-37.621-73.44828.95.8mwwBio-Bio, Chile
2011-02-0413:53:46.260Z24.61894.68856.2mwwMyanmar-India border region
2011-02-0200:38:17.780Z54.974-160.465355.9mwwAlaska Peninsula
2011-02-0113:39:47.000Z10.62294.10921.85.6mwbAndaman Islands, India region
2011-01-3106:03:27.300Z-22.009-175.622766mwwTonga region
2011-01-2912:38:59.990Z21.613142.956321.25.5mwbMariana Islands region
2011-01-2911:58:17.800Z-62.964-164.221105.5mwbPacific-Antarctic Ridge
2011-01-2906:55:27.520Z70.931-6.657156.2mwcJan Mayen Island region
2011-01-2715:02:46.270Z-38.502175.996158.15.6mwbNorth Island of New Zealand
2011-01-2708:38:28.340Z28.19559.015106.2mwwsoutheastern Iran
2011-01-2704:00:36.990Z-11.656166.35682.95.5mwcSanta Cruz Islands
2011-01-2617:03:30.060Z-11.013166.303148.55.7mwcSanta Cruz Islands
2011-01-2615:42:29.590Z2.20596.829236.1mwwSimeulue, Indonesia
2011-01-2319:15:42.670Z-20.335-176.292236.15.9mwbFiji region
2011-01-2207:38:56.510Z2.90395.516245.6mwbSimeulue, Indonesia
2011-01-1820:23:23.480Z28.77763.951687.2mwwsouthwestern Pakistan
2011-01-1811:33:45.070Z2.63296.404215.9mwwSimeulue, Indonesia
2011-01-1719:20:57.210Z-5.03102.647366mwwsouthern Sumatra, Indonesia
2011-01-1512:56:26.770Z-5.65130.252198.85.7mwbBanda Sea
2011-01-1511:23:52.870Z2.49196.28175.7mwbSimeulue, Indonesia
2011-01-1316:43:07.730Z-20.606168.399105.9mwcLoyalty Islands, New Caledonia
2011-01-1316:16:41.540Z-20.628168.47197mwwLoyalty Islands, New Caledonia
2011-01-1312:04:56.420Z-36.92179.46355.5mwcoff the east coast of the North Island of New Zealand
2011-01-1221:32:53.860Z26.973139.8825126.4mwwBonin Islands, Japan region
2011-01-1010:24:20.980Z23.083143.16686.65.6mwbVolcano Islands, Japan region
2011-01-1006:02:51.950Z-35.594-73.06424.45.9mwcoffshore Maule, Chile
2011-01-1002:11:09.430Z-19.553-176.032228.95.6mwcFiji region
2011-01-0804:10:56.690Z-0.026124.91356.75.6mwcMolucca Sea
2011-01-0703:09:58.810Z4.24390.414175.5mwcoff the west coast of northern Sumatra
2011-01-0701:19:16.700Z20.114-45.617105.5mwcnorthern Mid-Atlantic Ridge
2011-01-0506:46:14.630Z-22.26171.631112.26.1mwwsoutheast of the Loyalty Islands
2011-01-0500:57:32.220Z31.545142.17721.45.6mwcIzu Islands, Japan region
2011-01-0316:43:28.670Z-59.791149.897105.6mwcwest of Macquarie Island
2011-01-0220:20:17.780Z-38.355-73.326247.2mwwAraucania, Chile
2011-01-0215:19:31.040Z-4.458101.42821.65.7mwbsouthern Sumatra, Indonesia
2011-01-0109:56:58.120Z-26.803-63.136576.87mwwSantiago Del Estero, Argentina
2010-12-3116:30:54.520Z0.663-26.045105.5mwccentral Mid-Atlantic Ridge
2010-12-3014:36:54.560Z-10.819165.376105.6mwbSanta Cruz Islands
2010-12-3012:02:41.800Z51.626177.37856.85.5mwcRat Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska
2010-12-2808:34:17.550Z-23.407-179.8025516.3mwcsouth of the Fiji Islands
2010-12-2719:40:12.650Z-19.311167.96105.5mwcVanuatu region
2010-12-2717:02:32.880Z-50.811139.375105.6mwcwestern Indian-Antarctic Ridge
2010-12-2519:42:23.700Z51.115-176.162105.6mwbAndreanof Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska
2010-12-2513:16:37.000Z-19.702167.947167.3mwcVanuatu region
2010-12-2405:48:52.990Z-63.592-167.35445.9mwbPacific-Antarctic Ridge
2010-12-2316:28:14.780Z-7.999119.951206.85.5mwcFlores Sea
2010-12-2314:00:32.330Z53.127171.161186.4mwcNear Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska
2010-12-2221:49:40.080Z26.81143.595186.4mwcBonin Islands, Japan region
2010-12-2201:31:17.860Z26.669143.535105.6mwcBonin Islands, Japan region
2010-12-2120:18:43.490Z27.096143.236105.6msBonin Islands, Japan region
2010-12-2117:41:25.990Z27.081143.3087.65.5mbBonin Islands, Japan region
2010-12-2117:40:47.590Z27.08143.215105.5mbBonin Islands, Japan region
2010-12-2117:19:40.660Z26.901143.698147.4mwcBonin Islands, Japan region
2010-12-2114:07:48.290Z2.71595.893215.8mwbSimeulue, Indonesia
2010-12-2103:59:38.350Z-8.7111.19754.65.6mwbJava, Indonesia
2010-12-2018:41:59.200Z28.41259.18126.7mwcsoutheastern Iran
2010-12-2017:21:26.180Z12.995-88.6472.35.7mwboffshore El Salvador
2010-12-2015:15:08.670Z10.171-103.977105.9mwcnorthern East Pacific Rise
2010-12-1822:24:18.000Z-14.131-173.30630.75.9mwcSamoa Islands region
2010-12-1805:06:21.690Z10.409126.156145.6mwcPhilippine Islands region
2010-12-1713:22:45.380Z-6.48129.996154.95.5mwcBanda Sea
2010-12-1511:29:30.840Z-7.268128.786134.96mwcKepulauan Barat Daya, Indonesia
2010-12-1309:18:32.360Z-6.259104.00842.85.7mwcSunda Strait, Indonesia
2010-12-1301:14:42.320Z-6.534155.647135.86.2mwcBougainville region, Papua New Guinea
2010-12-1217:50:36.820Z-28.098-177.106355.6mwcKermadec Islands region
2010-12-1113:43:20.570Z-21.811-179.353601.25.6mwbFiji region
2010-12-1017:48:21.500Z23.863-45.733105.5mwcnorthern Mid-Atlantic Ridge
2010-12-0815:31:05.820Z-6.686129.898171.95.5mwbBanda Sea
2010-12-0806:47:15.880Z7.481126.50553.15.9mwcMindanao, Philippines
2010-12-0805:24:35.260Z-56.412-25.74129.46.3mwcSouth Sandwich Islands region
2010-12-0718:17:39.850Z54.356169.128135.8mwbKomandorskiye Ostrova, Russia region
2010-12-0705:31:03.850Z-58.019-7.503105.7mwceast of the South Sandwich Islands
2010-12-0704:27:22.040Z-57.932-7.474105.9mwceast of the South Sandwich Islands
2010-12-0607:30:32.710Z40.904142.967225.7mwbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2010-12-0521:44:35.820Z-36.231-100.82612.75.9mwbsoutheast of Easter Island
2010-12-0203:12:09.820Z-6.001149.977336.6mwbNew Britain region, Papua New Guinea
2010-12-0116:01:27.440Z-15.888-178.95615.26.1mwcFiji region
2010-12-0100:50:21.730Z2.68999.041160.15.6mwcnorthern Sumatra, Indonesia
2010-11-3017:54:47.580Z48.922154.918355.7mwcKuril Islands
2010-11-3008:42:22.650Z52.215-169.506185.5mwcFox Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska
2010-11-3003:24:40.180Z28.349139.1874706.8mwcBonin Islands, Japan region
2010-11-2718:11:13.520Z3.862128.07158.75.7mwbnorth of Halmahera, Indonesia
2010-11-2702:44:52.690Z10.293-43.128105.7mwcnorthern Mid-Atlantic Ridge
2010-11-2617:36:11.790Z-3.369131.014145.8mwbCeram Sea, Indonesia
2010-11-2612:33:42.270Z28.06352.56495.5mwcsouthern Iran
2010-11-2309:01:06.860Z-5.959148.966686.1mwcNew Britain region, Papua New Guinea
2010-11-2216:18:43.440Z-33.625-178.918105.9mwbsouth of the Kermadec Islands
2010-11-2104:36:31.440Z-54.967-131.479106mwcPacific-Antarctic Ridge
2010-11-1921:55:15.610Z1.181100.119213.35.7mwbnorthern Sumatra, Indonesia
2010-11-1715:53:31.650Z-7.797129.446235.9mwcKepulauan Babar, Indonesia
2010-11-1618:44:38.330Z-3.00568.125105.5mwcChagos Archipelago region
2010-11-1601:39:42.810Z-1.99139.017135.9mwbnear the north coast of Papua, Indonesia
2010-11-1417:02:47.690Z11.86543.716105.5mwcDjibouti region
2010-11-1406:32:27.980Z11.98443.963105.5mwbDjibouti region
2010-11-1219:01:29.970Z-35.958-102.21105.8mwbsoutheast of Easter Island
2010-11-1202:14:46.220Z-6.553130.035168.75.5mwbBanda Sea
2010-11-1120:29:57.730Z-6.276154.74365.6mwcBougainville region, Papua New Guinea
2010-11-1023:48:38.970Z5.946-82.57119.15.7mwcsouth of Panama
2010-11-1010:30:15.660Z14.923119.868215.5mwcLuzon, Philippines
2010-11-1004:05:24.410Z-45.46496.394106.5mwcsoutheast Indian Ridge
2010-11-0719:26:49.430Z24.383141.5881135.6mwbVolcano Islands, Japan region
2010-11-0516:40:36.920Z12.736123.054105.8mwcMasbate region, Philippines
2010-11-0401:05:47.380Z51.236-176.545.35.5mwcAndreanof Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska
2010-11-0311:18:15.570Z-4.617134.071106mwcnear the south coast of Papua, Indonesia
2010-11-0218:10:14.890Z47.092146.747369.45.5mwcnorthwest of the Kuril Islands
2010-11-0206:39:55.060Z-5.355151.556355.8mwcNew Britain region, Papua New Guinea
2010-11-0123:16:46.700Z16.738-93.793167.45.6mwcChiapas, Mexico
2010-11-0105:16:34.400Z-6.37150.228.75.5mwbNew Britain region, Papua New Guinea
2010-10-3116:38:49.490Z-6.385150.161105.8mwcNew Britain region, Papua New Guinea
2010-10-3015:18:33.070Z-56.586-142.292106.4mwcPacific-Antarctic Ridge
2010-10-2803:17:24.760Z-5.51153.744335.8mwcNew Ireland region, Papua New Guinea
2010-10-2802:22:25.270Z23.084-108.454105.6mwcGulf of California
2010-10-2602:08:29.180Z-41.494-85.758105.6mwcWest Chile Rise
2010-10-2522:59:53.370Z-3.301100.463195.9mwcKepulauan Mentawai region, Indonesia
2010-10-2519:39:27.300Z-2.963100.50431.85.7mbKepulauan Mentawai region, Indonesia
2010-10-2519:37:31.150Z-2.958100.372266.3mwcKepulauan Mentawai region, Indonesia
2010-10-2514:42:22.460Z-3.487100.08220.17.8mwcKepulauan Mentawai region, Indonesia
2010-10-2512:05:28.930Z-0.071125.059375.8mwcMolucca Sea
2010-10-2305:58:27.730Z-37.743-73.362155.5mwbBio-Bio, Chile
2010-10-2303:09:15.050Z-56.7-141.952105.8mwcPacific-Antarctic Ridge
2010-10-2301:38:14.000Z-29.593-71.112445.6mwcCoquimbo, Chile
2010-10-2219:31:37.560Z-20.878-68.372132.25.8mwbPotosi, Bolivia
2010-10-2117:53:13.570Z24.696-109.156136.7mwcGulf of California
2010-10-2111:00:32.730Z-6.125150.86942.55.5mwcNew Britain region, Papua New Guinea
2010-10-2102:49:55.570Z-34.737-73.72685.9mwcoff the coast of Libertador O’Higgins, Chile
2010-10-2006:58:13.940Z24.471-109.026105.8mwcGulf of California
2010-10-2004:15:34.820Z24.466-109.144105.9mwbGulf of California
2010-10-2004:09:42.820Z24.54-109.098105.9mwcGulf of California
2010-10-1615:44:30.290Z-7.366125.69975.9mwbKepulauan Barat Daya, Indonesia
2010-10-1413:58:55.590Z42.311142.871595.6mwcHokkaido, Japan region
2010-10-1210:21:36.170Z-4.915133.71135.9mwcnear the south coast of Papua, Indonesia
2010-10-1006:08:14.820Z51.44-175.248335.5mwcAndreanof Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska
2010-10-0901:54:04.600Z10.211-84.293915.8mwbCosta Rica
2010-10-0805:43:08.070Z2.831128.2171206.2mwcHalmahera, Indonesia
2010-10-0804:19:14.920Z51.334-175.2036.55.7mwcAndreanof Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska
2010-10-0803:49:10.720Z51.287-175.1827.76mwcAndreanof Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska
2010-10-0803:26:13.710Z51.374-175.361196.4mwcAndreanof Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska
2010-10-0413:28:38.860Z24.27125.154326.3mwbsouthwestern Ryukyu Islands, Japan
2010-10-0401:38:29.440Z19.354122.15730.45.5mwbBabuyan Islands region, Philippines
2010-10-0304:30:15.490Z-47.287100.249105.5mwcsoutheast Indian Ridge
2010-10-0211:29:05.460Z-6.559128.751239.65.5mwbBanda Sea
2010-09-3009:00:24.460Z19.706121.472155.8mwcBabuyan Islands region, Philippines
2010-09-3003:45:01.780Z-0.307133.498135.6mwcnear the north coast of Papua, Indonesia
2010-09-3002:11:03.790Z-4.949133.84616.15.5mwcnear the south coast of Papua, Indonesia
2010-09-3000:26:10.000Z-36.249-74.25620.25.8mwboff the coast of Bio-Bio, Chile
2010-09-2917:11:25.940Z-4.963133.76267mwcnear the south coast of Papua, Indonesia
2010-09-2917:10:51.080Z-4.909133.712106.2mbnear the south coast of Papua, Indonesia
2010-09-2908:00:00.500Z37.257139.88333.35.5mwbeastern Honshu, Japan
2010-09-2711:22:45.180Z29.63751.666205.9mwcsouthern Iran
2010-09-2700:08:45.960Z57.688-32.76211.65.5mwbReykjanes Ridge
2010-09-2618:27:57.780Z52.438179.732225.85.8mwbRat Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska
2010-09-2612:12:41.710Z-5.314133.917306mwcKepulauan Kai, Indonesia
2010-09-2611:08:44.390Z-5.573146.462955.6mwbeastern New Guinea region, Papua New Guinea
2010-09-2512:05:59.940Z62.854-149.51283.85.5mwcCentral Alaska
2010-09-2419:01:32.260Z-7.809-74.373150.35.5mwbnorthern Peru
2010-09-2312:53:08.540Z-5.826151.544355.6mwcNew Britain region, Papua New Guinea
2010-09-2305:28:35.600Z52.233179.754167.85.6mwcRat Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska
2010-09-2208:00:14.320Z-13.39-76.073505.7mwbnear the coast of central Peru
2010-09-1719:21:15.010Z36.44370.774220.16.3mwbHindu Kush region, Afghanistan
2010-09-1423:32:01.700Z21.487-105.9316.15.6mwboffshore Nayarit, Mexico
2010-09-1307:15:49.630Z-14.612-70.777179.85.9mwbsouthern Peru
2010-09-1305:47:47.290Z41.497141.986455.8mwbHokkaido, Japan region
2010-09-1111:43:08.600Z7.78894.057105.8mwcNicobar Islands, India region
2010-09-1107:12:31.640Z-1.068129.24145.8mwcPapua region, Indonesia
2010-09-0907:28:01.720Z-37.034-73.412166.2mwboffshore Bio-Bio, Chile
2010-09-0817:39:40.480Z44.588149.724105.5mwcKuril Islands
2010-09-0719:54:28.170Z-53.136-118.171105.5mwcsouthern East Pacific Rise
2010-09-0716:13:32.060Z-15.879-179.30696.3mwcFiji region
2010-09-0712:48:57.380Z-14.396-176.243105.5mwcFiji region
2010-09-0700:57:22.410Z-6.917103.46185.5mwcsouthwest of Sumatra, Indonesia
2010-09-0613:46:26.410Z-10.965162.17325.55.7mwcSolomon Islands
2010-09-0523:48:26.730Z-23.825179.975534.55.6mwcsouth of the Fiji Islands
2010-09-0411:51:58.810Z-59.075-25.494355.5mwcSouth Sandwich Islands region
2010-09-0403:14:34.520Z-2.475138.4743.55.5mwcPapua, Indonesia
2010-09-0317:06:50.860Z-3.65101.96173.25.6mbsouthern Sumatra, Indonesia
2010-09-0316:35:47.770Z-43.522171.83127mwcSouth Island of New Zealand
2010-09-0311:16:06.600Z51.451-175.8723.56.5mwcAndreanof Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska
2010-09-0304:19:13.680Z-13.94165.93105.7mwcMid-Indian Ridge
2010-09-0302:29:11.130Z-6.133149.96150.95.5mwcNew Britain region, Papua New Guinea

5 days eastern Japan

I had a cockup making this post, however it has given me a chance to sharpen up my ideas about this disasterJehovah God gave warning of its impending imminence with several sets of earthquake swarms, the last one in Japan itself. I will post a rehash in a few days, once I have digested what I just realised. And asked Jehovah God’s blessing.

It is taking me a lot longer that I thought. There is something about statistics that deaden my senses and I quickly lose interst leadin to depression. I can quiclly shae that state of health with a short walk but that does not mean the urge to do this stuff is renewed. It just becomes something that I don’t want to do.

This time this one was nearly a week before the main event. They are all in the magnitude 5.5 or greater:

2010-09-2908:00:00.500Z37.257139.88333.35.5mwbeastern Honshu, Japan

What I noticed that I might have missed if I had included the normal 4.5M minimum I usually look at, is that there were a number of consecutive quakes in the same place. For example:

2010-10-0804:19:14.920Z51.334-175.2036.55.7mwcAndreanof Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska
2010-10-0803:49:10.720Z51.287-175.1827.76mwcAndreanof Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska
2010-10-0803:26:13.710Z51.374-175.361196.4mwcAndreanof Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska

15 March 2011

It is easy to see the alignments with such a grouping. Remember that when they align through the sun they prove wam weather omens. Out of its disc alignmets bring cold weather. I am almost certain in every alignment there is a large quake involved. Just how large and can we predict them, remains to be seen.

With the alifnebnts come an increase in volcanic activity. If this in turm causes the increase in earthquake activty, it windicates the electrical storms are also ivoved, as volcanoes release a vast amount od polar water. Thomas Gold indicates that it is actually produces by the volcano in the first place. Fot reference see Deep Hot Bosphere: https://ia802200.us.archive.org/17/items/the-deep-hot-biosphere-thomas-gold/The%20Deep%20Hot%20Biosphere%20-%20Thomas%20Gold.pdf

Apparently polar watre can dissolve sand so another understanding about magma is awaitng explanation

The number of consecutive quakes increases as the event draws on:

2010-10-2522:59:53.370Z-3.301100.463195.9mwcKepulauan Mentawai region, Indonesia
2010-10-2519:39:27.300Z-2.963100.50431.85.7mbKepulauan Mentawai region, Indonesia
2010-10-2519:37:31.150Z-2.958100.372266.3mwcKepulauan Mentawai region, Indonesia
2010-10-2514:42:22.460Z-3.487100.08220.17.8mwcKepulauan Mentawai region, Indonesia
2010-12-2221:49:40.080Z26.81143.595186.4mwcBonin Islands, Japan region
2010-12-2201:31:17.860Z26.669143.535105.6mwcBonin Islands, Japan region
2010-12-2120:18:43.490Z27.096143.236105.6msBonin Islands, Japan region
2010-12-2117:41:25.990Z27.081143.3087.65.5mbBonin Islands, Japan region
2010-12-2117:40:47.590Z27.08143.215105.5mbBonin Islands, Japan region
2010-12-2117:19:40.660Z26.901143.698147.4mwcBonin Islands, Japan region

Until the last set some five days prior:

21:24:01.680Z38.296142.808156.5mwcnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
21:22:17.580Z38.345142.648236mwcnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
18:44:38.500Z38.503143.16623.85.9mwwoff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
18:16:16.440Z38.315142.434226mwwnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
04:37:04.990Z38.665142.99137.85.6mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
02:58:14.080Z38.246143.102355.7mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
02:57:16.670Z38.361142.9123.25.7mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
02:45:20.330Z38.435142.842327.3mwwnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan

Until the big one and the so called aftershocks:

2011-03-1203:11:57.760Z35.952141.34416.75.9mwcnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1203:01:47.410Z39.549142.59819.95.8mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1202:47:33.500Z37.6143.6114.65.9mwcoff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1201:47:15.400Z37.594142.648206.5mwwoff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1201:46:20.540Z37.328141.75432.25.5mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1201:34:09.620Z38.751142.83122.35.8mwcnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1200:45:09.180Z36.112141.768205.5mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1122:51:19.850Z37.834144.82739.35.7mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1120:36:10.270Z37.829142.82825.85.5mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1120:23:41.280Z35.814141.6058.15.7msnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1120:11:24.060Z39.005142.63317.46.1mwcnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1119:46:50.880Z40.483139.055106.2mwcnear the west coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1119:31:56.250Z36.943138.312.45.7mseastern Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1119:24:24.510Z35.685140.6582.25.5mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1119:08:38.730Z36.264140.8849.15.5mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1119:02:59.170Z39.342142.87227.16mwbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1118:59:16.540Z37.014138.3769.36.2mwbnear the west coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1118:17:07.290Z36.22141.62839.55.8mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1118:11:24.660Z37.197142.09615.65.7mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1117:17:23.610Z35.331141.3911.75.5mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1117:16:56.210Z36.999144.1599.35.6msoff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1116:11:30.000Z39.464143.465355.5mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1115:22:27.020Z35.637141.548355.5mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1115:20:08.190Z36.398141.86452.86mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1115:19:38.270Z36.247141.856355.5mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1115:13:14.680Z35.994141.808216.3mwbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1115:07:39.530Z36.332141.5415.15.5mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1114:56:11.930Z35.96141.40310.25.8mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1114:27:57.040Z37.112144.03620.75.5mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1114:00:38.590Z36.123140.76151.35.5mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1113:43:09.590Z38.989144.12625.35.7mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1113:34:30.600Z36.162141.844.75.5mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1113:18:16.630Z37.575142.827355.5mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1113:16:51.500Z36.371141.74357.75.6mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1112:56:05.330Z37.795141.96355.5mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1112:49:02.640Z36.147141.602355.6mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1112:15:45.320Z39.084142.26450.25.8mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1112:12:54.800Z38.055142.548355.9mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1111:58:54.410Z35.752142.08355.6mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1111:56:13.240Z36.267141.52723.15.5mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1111:46:42.500Z36.004141.17117.75.8mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1111:44:28.300Z36.695142.244355.7mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1111:36:40.920Z39.241142.46325.76.6msnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1111:32:27.130Z39.065143.16636.35.8mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1111:32:14.800Z36.238142.396355.7mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1111:21:29.790Z37.547143.073355.8mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1111:21:03.070Z35.684140.933355.7mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1111:16:50.250Z36.628141.80936.65.5mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1111:13:12.980Z36.38141.77825.95.5mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1111:10:58.300Z35.535141.842355.5mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1111:00:52.420Z37.737141.49641.85.6mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1110:45:44.690Z38.417143.75233.35.6mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1110:28:42.690Z39.397143.592205.9mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1110:22:02.630Z36.665142.521105.7mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1110:10:34.220Z39.185142.7626.56mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1109:37:04.610Z35.912141.6015.85.5mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1109:09:14.680Z37.683143.31139.25.5mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1108:52:23.420Z36.77141.924175.5mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1108:46:45.850Z37.416142.45125.85.6mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1108:44:00.140Z36.122140.96647.35.6mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1108:40:56.140Z37.447140.98439.55.9mbeastern Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1108:39:12.960Z37.64142.77146.25.5mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1108:35:22.110Z36.033140.98419.75.6mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1108:33:00.780Z39.14142.96727.66mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1108:31:09.260Z37.469141.17637.36mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1108:27:51.600Z38.017142.65742.86mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1108:26:36.930Z37.367143.017176.1mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1108:19:24.380Z36.166141.5626.86.5mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1108:15:41.850Z37.047144.541416.1mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1108:12:07.260Z36.569141.48639.66.2mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1108:10:29.340Z36.287140.85219.55.6mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1108:04:58.780Z37.593142.20848.95.7mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1108:01:57.000Z36.936142.719.35.9mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1107:59:48.970Z37.012142.780.75.7mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1107:56:15.410Z37.106142.226385.6mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1107:54:45.420Z37.743141.57350.85.7mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1107:44:27.990Z36.195141.81313.85.8mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1107:42:55.650Z36.403141.892355.7mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1107:38:27.600Z39.204142.79338.55.8mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1107:35:52.220Z36.943142.30921.95.7mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1107:33:33.660Z36.323142.71355.7mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1107:30:18.450Z37.442141.19549.26mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1107:29:01.830Z39.031142.34945.46.3mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1107:28:12.360Z36.823141.82428.46.1mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1107:25:36.460Z37.934144.52939.56.1mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1107:23:16.910Z37.454142.09719.65.9mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1107:17:42.760Z37.006142.4066.35.8mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1107:14:58.820Z36.586141.82324.76.3mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1107:13:47.620Z36.103142.358355.9mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1107:10:59.890Z37.879142.68133.75.8mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1107:09:58.330Z36.718141.856355.6mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1107:09:12.050Z36.714141.87428.25.7mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1107:06:45.820Z37.778142.9821.55.6mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1107:05:21.100Z38.442143.615.45.7mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1107:04:16.170Z38.964142.39823.75.8mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1107:03:00.000Z37.924142.80219.15.6mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1107:02:57.260Z39.693142.52941.65.8mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1107:01:11.640Z36.628143.75536.15.7mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1106:59:00.270Z37.357144.72535.96.3mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1106:57:16.510Z35.712140.87547.56mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1106:55:33.600Z37.562142.85539.85.9mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1106:52:28.510Z38.061143.01633.65.5mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1106:49:57.540Z40.668141.60544.95.8mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1106:49:16.610Z37.337144.23747.36.1mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1106:48:45.590Z37.961142.72411.76.2mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1106:46:31.190Z37.956143.24830.65.9mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1106:41:01.450Z39.599141.576355.8mbeastern Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1106:39:39.320Z37.04142.46340.15.5mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1106:38:11.330Z36.094141.66547.25.8mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1106:37:05.580Z37.465142.40452.45.6mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1106:35:20.900Z35.806141.110.35.8mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1106:33:06.070Z36.625141.86739.15.9mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1106:29:15.990Z37.812144.23340.66.1mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1106:25:50.300Z38.058144.5918.67.7mwcoff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1106:23:09.480Z39.03142.28456.36.2mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1106:21:32.700Z38.29142.81351.76.2mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1106:20:04.110Z36.004142.06749.36.5mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1106:18:49.510Z36.023142.269166.6mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1106:15:40.280Z36.281141.11142.67.9mwcnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1106:15:23.120Z37.93143.802356.3mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1106:13:01.040Z37.211141.60140.16.2mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1106:12:36.360Z37.788144.23325.46.2mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1106:11:15.610Z36.109141.69626.65.9mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1106:08:29.660Z38.969143.372.86.7mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1106:07:20.880Z36.419141.87632.36.4mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1106:06:13.170Z39.003142.2942.76.3mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1106:05:02.230Z36.375141.77734.25.8mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1106:03:55.260Z36.469141.8422.65.9mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1106:00:39.300Z38.095142.49240.66.2mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1105:59:31.580Z37.054141.7638.45.9mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1105:58:07.490Z37.623142.15550.76.3mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1105:55:45.480Z37.359143.351356.4mboff the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1105:54:31.940Z37.712141.18432.36.3mbnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan
2011-03-1105:46:24.120Z38.297142.373299mwwnear the east coast of Honshu, Japan

What is that?

After shocks, 150 or so medium to large earthquakes later, with Tonga making an appearance again before it continued. Somebody has some explaining to do, I have the feeling it is going to be me It is a good job old weatherlawyer never got the covid jab isn’t it?

I wonder if the scamdemic was aimed at Jehovah’s Witnesses, they certainly ware the masks religiously. All but me.

One thing the toxic jab did is that it indicated who swallowed the narrative. That’s up to Jehovah God, not me and I am not judging anyone these days, The untimely deaths are sad and I am in no position to gloat even if I was that way inclined.


NASA’s Voyager 1 spacecraft is fully operational once more, with all four science instruments returning usable data to Earth.

The problems began in November 2023, sending unintelligible data instead of its normal binary code. 46 years old it’s in uncharted territory, some 15 billion miles from Earth. 

Voyager 1’s team fixed the problem in the flight data subsystem to “package” data to be sent to Earth, fixed a chip with a workaround, relocated the code in the FDS.

Voyager 1 finally sent back intelligible data on April 20, 2024 — but only from two of its four science instruments. Now, just two months later, Voyager 1’s remaining two science instruments are back up and running, communicating effectively with mission control on Earth.

Even if Voyager 1 launched in 1977, to study Jupiter and Saturn — accomplished by 1980. (Its twin spacecraft, Voyager 2, went on to study Uranus and Neptune.) Voyager 1 entered interstellar space in 2012, returning crucial data.

The team will “touch up” the spacecraft resynchronizing its timekeeping software to execute commands at the right time, as well as performing maintenance on the digital tape recorder that measures plasma waves. https://www.space.com/voyager-1-fully-operational

Confirmation Bias

I might have a tendency to want to see what I am looking for with tornadoes in the USA

And it does not help that I am looking at sets of charts set to different times of the day, nor that I am unfamiliar with midwestern USA Geography

Marienthal, Wichita in Kansa was at 8pm would that be Thursday or the day before?

Either way puts a not particularly high pressure over the coast. I am going to have to look for how significant this situation is. I think that any high pressure tends to block the escapement of tornadic winds.

My problem is that I have no full undersatnding of Blocking Highs other than that they can be Indonesian volcanoes that cause Derechos sometimes. At the moment only God knows their significance. I suppose I should get out and ask him.

Stupid is as stoopid does

It has only just occurred to me why the Pacific genesis of the sea surface pressures vary with the anticyclones of the Atlantic charts.

The way the solar system operates concerns the alignments and proximities of the satellites and the sun to superimpose the “n-body” over the sonic refractionsavailable from the Met Office. These are going to vary with the Pacific activities as the solar system harmonic is imposed over both reference frames.

Let me try to rephrase it, as I am only just now able to explain it.

The planets interfere with one another as they pass near alignments and as they make their patterns felt with one another. This results in a thing called “Teleconnection.” So both oceans react to the seas in them the same way, according to the way the planets become arranged. Is that easier to understand?

It seems so obvious that I can’t understand how I failed to see it straight away.

Now I have to find some way of putting it in pictures.

Not tonight though… OK here is how to picture it:

6.0M. west of Macquarie Island 2024-06-16 00:27:56 (UTC)4.4 mi

That is the Southern Ocean = storms in 14 days = 30th June 2024

5.5M. Mid-Indian Ridge 2024-06-15 18:38:03 (UTC)

Guess where that is?

It might be in the Southern Ocean in the Indian Ocean same Ocean. but only a mag five.come back and check the archive in a month still a storm though

And: 6.0M. 14 mi SW of Atiquipa, Peru 2024-06-16 14:47:31 (UTC)

Here’s another picture, its the same picture:

Venus Jupiter and Uranus align to cold and Merurcy Sol and Earth align for warmth and the quakes pattern. I am not speaking for God but you do get the picture.

That’s not a question.

Everything about Creation is Graphic. Graphic = vivid. There is nothing bland about creation. You know it’s a fact, you can’t argue against facts that’s a fact.

Ibu (Halmahera, Indonesia): Volcanic Ash Advisory Center Darwin (VAAC) issued the following report: CVGHM REPORTED VA TO FL130 AT 16/0543Z EST VA DTG:16/1110Z

Lewotobi (Flores): Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Darwin warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 10000 ft (3000 m) altitude or flight level 100 .
The full report is as follows: VA TO FL100 MOV SW LAST REP 16/0909Z EST VA DTG:16/1250Z to 10000 ft (3000 m)

Semeru (East Java, Indonesia): Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Darwin warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 15000 ft (4600 m) altitude or flight level 150 .
The full report is as follows: VA TO FL150 MOV WSW OBS VA DTG:16/0940Z to 15000 ft (4600 m)

Marapi (Western Sumatra, Indonesia): Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Darwin warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 10000 ft (3000 m) altitude or flight level 100 .
The full report is as follows: VA REPORTED TO FL100 MOV NE AT 16/1229Z OBS VA DTG:16/1300Z to 10000 ft (3000 m)

Dukono (Halmahera): (15 Jun) Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Darwin warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 7000 ft (2100 m) altitude or flight level 070 and is moving at 05 kts in S direction.
The full report is as follows: VA TO FL070 EXTENDING SOUTH OBS VA DTG:15/2120Z to 7000 ft (2100 m)

Home Reef (Tonga Islands): A new effusive period returned back to the island over the past few days.
According to a strong thermal anomaly in the latest Sentinel-2 satellite imagery from 15 June, a new lava flow commenced to descend on the eastern slope, indicating a new batch of magma rising in the volcano’s feeder pipe. Copious acid clouds (known as laze = lava haze), identified in the satellite image, indicate an interaction of magma and external water, the phenomenon known as phreatomagmatic activity. The easterly advancing lava has been enlarging the island to the east. The volcano’s shape appears to be more rounded now.
… [read more]

Popocatépetl (Central Mexico): (16 Jun) Volcanic Ash Advisory Center Washington (VAAC) issued the following report: PSBL VA EMS

Fuego (Guatemala): Mild explosive activity continues from the volcano. The Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Washington reported intermittent emissions of volcanic ash plumes.
The full report is as follows: sporadic emissions of volcanic ash

Sabancaya (Peru): Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Buenos Aires warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 21000 ft (6400 m) altitude or flight level 210 and is moving at 10 kts in SE direction.
The full report is as follows: INTERMITTENT PUFFS to 21000 ft (6400 m)

Now we get the crecendo from volcanoes. I normally edit these down for brevity but it is over for today. Another post tomorrow if it needs covering. For tornadoes or something

Or an Anticyclone off the coast of the USA, oh, hang on

No, that’s next week.

And that was just tornadoes. They are used to them in the USA